Chapter 3

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And so they arrived at the community house. Tommy looked at it in awe. It looked exactly like it had in-game... but it was real. He was really here. Dream opened the door. "After you." Tommy walked inside. It looked the same on the inside too. A staircase in the middle, a few pink beds, and an area with chests that were labelled with item frames. "How did you make this?" Tommy asked. Dream responded, "We had gut feelings when we got here. Maybe you felt it too. An urge to punch the trees down?" "Yeah," Tommy agreed, although he had only wanted to punch them down to see if it would hurt. "Well, once you do that, you get more gut feelings. You learn how to craft, how to make a crafting table. We had gut instincts on how to build, to mine. Actually, we had an interesting gut feeling not too long ago... maybe last month? We made a portal. It's weird, y'know? We just... know how to do everything. Like someone programmed us this way." 

Tommy looked at the floor. He didn't know what to say. Should he tell them that he remembers anything? But he had a gut feeling. He had a gut feeling that it would be a bad idea to tell them. So he stayed quiet. "Sorry, did I scare you? Wasn't my intention. I know it can be scary or weird at first... and you're a child, so I can see how that could be worse for you." Tommy started to get defensive, and was going to say something, but Dream cut him off even before he could start talking. "Tubbo was scared at first, so I could see that you could be too. Was I rude? That wasn't my intention either." "Tubbo?" Tommy said, trying not to show any particular emotion about this name. Tubbo is here. Holy shit. Tubbo's here. "Yeah, Tubbo is someone else who came here. Same way you did. Same way the rest of us did. Just... popped into the forest. No memory. He's probably around your age." "Ah," Tommy responded. "Do you think... maybe I could meet him?" "Maybe later," Dream said. "We've got to get you some stuff first, though. Come here." 

Dream grabbed a couple of items. A stone sword, a stone axe, a stone shovel, and a stone pickaxe. "Here," He said, tossing them over to Tommy. "We'll need to get you a bed too. Hold on." Dream walked out of the house, and over to where the animals were held. He came back with 3 wool and 5 mutton. "Here, I got wool and some food. I'll cook the mutton and make a bed with the wool while it's cooking. Got it?" "Yeah," Tommy said. He waited near the door. He wasn't quite used to how the SMP looked at the moment, as it was an earlier version, but he could still tell where he would need to go in order to remake his home. Dream came back, with a bed and the mutton. He handed them over. "Then," Dream said, "You can leave now. Go wherever you want. Make a home. Trust me, you'll know what to do." "Okay..." Tommy said hesitantly. George and Sapnap said goodbye to him as he left the house. He started walking over to where his house had been in-game. He kept walking, with his eyes on the wood path. He glanced to the right. Tubbo's house. That's Tubbo's house. He was unsure of what to do. Should he go in there? He decided against it. He would go and make his house. He could ask Dream where Tubbo lived later. It would be weird if he just walked in there, anyway. He kept walking. 

After walking for a while, he came to a tree. Ponk's tree. He went past it. He found the area where he had made his little hole. So he re-built it. It wasn't exactly right, but it was fine. He remembered what it was like when he first joined the SMP. This wasn't exactly it. It was more like how it had been when he had last been on the SMP (without smooth stone). But somehow... it felt like home.

He slept well that night.


Word count: 712

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