Untitled Part 9

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"He's coming!" Samantha's panicked voice rings out in the distance, you can't find her, but she just keeps getting louder and louder. "He's coming! He's COMING!"

She sounds so scared, like she's trying desperately to find you and warn you. But what could she possibly be worried about? Who is 'He'?

Suddenly, her voice is right in your ear, "RUN!"

You sit upright, your heart pounding in your ears as you take a moment to remember where you are. An arm squeezes around your waist as someone stirs slightly beside you, and the memories from last night come flooding back. With a sigh, you rub at your temples, still unsure what to make of your dream.

Carefully, and without waking Edward, you slide out from his grip and stand, tiptoeing around his research to make your way out of the library and downstairs to get some fresh air.

The other men are still sleeping too, which is almost a relief, you'd hate for anyone to see you so frazzled.

Quietly, you step outside, shutting the door behind you before climbing up to the roof, your phone in your back pocket. It probably wouldn't work, it didn't work yesterday, so why would it work now? But you needed something to occupy your mind right now, so it was worth a shot.

The tower stands alone at the center, or rather, the beginnings of a tower. They had gotten pretty far with it, but it still didn't seem to help the signal yet as you test your phone to again find no bars.

"Dammit..." You mutter under your breath, the dream having instilled a new sense of urgency to reunite with your group and start figuring things out.

Glancing around, you realize you wouldn't have the first clue how to continue building the tower on your own, and opt instead to sit at the edge of the roof and at least try to enjoy the sunrise.

It's beautiful, and you find some sense of nostalgic comfort in the peacefulness of it all. No undead roaming below, no mysterious portals sucking you into caves and spitting out video game characters, no bigger concerns in life than that of the day-to-day problems. It all seems so trivial when you look back at it now, all of the options laid out before you to do or be anything you wanted in life; now people have no choice but to fight for their very existence . To top it all off, you had just slept with someone who shouldn't even exist at all here.

Closing your eyes, you try to shake off your worries as the warmth of the first beams of light kiss at your skin. You let out a slow, steady, purposeful breath, and try to recenter yourself and find the calm in everything happening.

When you open your eyes again, the back of your neck tickles slightly. Turning, you notice Dempesy standing nearby, taking in the view of the sunrise for himself before his eyes land on you with a smile.

"Was hoping I'd find you up here," He motions to the ledge beside you, to which you nod, allowing him to accompany you by taking a seat. "Didn't wanna have to start a search party again."

Chuckling softly, you shake your head and return your attention to the sky. "Not today, just needed some fresh air and time to think."

He shifts beside you, placing his hands in his lap and crossing his ankles as if making himself more comfortable. "I bet this is all really hard for you, not just the whole undead thing, but then we show up outta nowhere and you're in the middle of our mess somehow." Tilting his head slightly, he waits for you to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry about all this doll, I really am, and I hope we find a way to fix your world."

You smile and nod. "And find a way to get all of you back to your own, preferably without any undead."

Shrugging, he cracks a sly smirk. "No undead sounds nice, but I wouldn't mind stickin around here to be honest."

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