Untitled Part 32

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You don't remember falling asleep, but the worry and stress you had endured all day, along with your breakdown while explaining everything to Edward must have exhausted you. The bed feels warm, but still seems... lacking somehow.

A stiff stretch as you sprawl out reveals only Gaius' furry body. He must have crawled up to join you at some point, his back flush against your side as he reluctantly opens his eyes and yawns.

"Edward?" You call out, sitting up and scanning the room.

No response.

The clock glows bright in the dark room, the lack of windows blocking out all other signs of time as the blue numbers indicate 1 p.m. You hadn't slept this much since... well, since you initially met Edward. It felt like just yesterday, while also managing to feel like a lifetime ago; funny how that never quite makes sense until you experience it for yourself.

After dressing and brushing your teeth, you grab your phone and swipe your thumb across the screen, seeing Edward's contact info pop up. It brings a faint smile to your face, the ringing in your ear echoing slightly before you notice the vibrations coming from the dresser. With a sigh, you end the call and swipe across Zack's contact instead, grabbing Edward's phone from its resting place and pocketing it as you and Gaius walk out the door.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Zack chimes, "how was your hibernation?"

"Funny," you roll your eyes, knowing he can hear it in your voice as he chuckles in response, "Is Edward with you? He left his phone at home."

"Yeah, um, listen..." He mumbles something away from the phone, as if covering it with his hand to speak softly to someone beside him. "Um, we pretty much got everything covered here today, you can just rest up or go to the gym. Maybe take Gaius for a long walk? I'm sure he'd enjoy that!"

Pausing at the bottom of the steps, you glance down to Gaius, seeing his head tilt up at you as he sits to wait patiently. "Is everything alright? I can be there in like 5 minutes."

"Everything's fine, it's great." He tries to reassure you, but something in his voice is just... off. You briefly recognize Edward's voice in the background before Zack clears his throat, blocking exactly what was said. "So, we're just finishing up a few things and getting started on the building process. Your German lover boy has everything under control, you can just take the day off, you deserve some time to yourself anyway. See ya later!"

You can't let him cut the call short, you need to stall him just a while longer. "Wait!" He's a terrible liar, if you can just keep him talking, he'll spill everything in no time. "Zack, I told him last night."

"Yeah..." He sighs, his voice lowering and a brief shuffle sounding through the phone as he seems to walk away to be alone before continuing. "I uh, I heard about that."

"You two talked about it already?"

"Yeah," he lets out another sigh and you can picture his signature lip chewing contemplation as the silence draws longer, "I asked him if you were alright; when he showed up without you this morning everyone was really worried. He said he wanted to let you sleep, that you had a really hard time going over everything again, and that he thought it would be better to just give you the day."

"I see..." You're glad they're getting along so well, you really are, but you wish Zack would just blurt out whatever was bothering him. Though, as you glance around and feel the wind tickle the loose strands of hair across your face, you warm to the idea of having the day off. "Just... call me if you need anything, ok?"

"Of course," he breathes in relief, his voice already picking back up, "Just don't push too hard today, yeah? Take advantage and let your body rest for once."

"Doctor's orders!" Edward's voice sounds from somewhere in the distance, barely audible through the phone.

Zack chuckles, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard him," a brief smile flashes across your face, quickly replaced by knitted brows, "I'll see y'all later, and please be careful. Don't let him push too hard either, Zack."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the smirk in his voice is apparent, the slight eye roll already visible in your mind, "We'll get him home to you in one piece."

The call ends, leaving you to pocket your phone and glance around the empty street, another breeze rustling through the leaves and bringing the first hint of the fall season.

Gaius is all too happy to just stroll the compound; a rare opportunity to take in the progress you've made as a group at a leisurely pace. Many people wave, or stop you to talk and catch up, leaving you with a content grin at the sense of community fostered here. It helps you to remember what's worth fighting for, and that all of this is worth what has been sacrificed; saving these people has been your mission for so long, and it's saved you in return. Without this place, you wouldn't have been able to find a direction after what had happened or been able to pull yourself from that dark place in your own mind. You would've never met Edward or known what love really should be.

Henry... was a good man, but you can honestly say, looking back, that he wasn't at all who you thought he was. People changed during these times; some for the better, some not. He couldn't handle the new way of life, and he blamed you for that, but Edward... Edward made you believe in yourself again, made you feel strong, capable, and loved beyond measure.

Your grin broadens as you take a seat on a lone bench to watch the sunset over the wall, the cascade of colors reflecting off the small lake at the center of the compound. Gaius sprawls out across the grass, his eyes blinking slower until they close entirely, letting the last rays of sun warm his fur.

Everything seems to be working out perfectly.

The ring of your phone startles you slightly, Zack's name flashing across the screen as you swipe to answer. "Hey."

"Hey," he greets in return, his voice still somewhat low and uncertain, "Um, we just got back."

"Cool," you snap towards Gaius, drawing his attention as you stand and move back toward the walkway, "We'll get started on our way back, shouldn't be too long."

"Alright, um..." he sighs, muttering something off to the side again, "Just come up to your apartment when you get back, I think there's something we need to talk about; all 3 of us."

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