4. The days to come

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This chapter will contain a long flashback, it will all be italic.
Adora's POV:
It's been three weeks since the funeral, I didn't go, I couldn't, it would mean letting go, accepting the fact that I'm never going to see her again, I don't accept, she can't be gone, she promised, she promised me.

I looked out over the whispering woods, the view from my balcony was stunning, I feel a hand touch my shoulder.

"Hey Adora"
I turn around and see my beautiful girlfriend standing behind me with a worried look on her face, she's been acting like this all week, worried.

"What's wrong" I ask, dread and worry started to fill my head, what if it was the horde, was is shaddow weaver, was Catra leaving me, ahh.

"Hey it's nothing just Glimmers voice can get tiring after you listen to her strategy's for to long"  she looked up at me, I wasn't convinced but her eyes softened and she took my hand.

"Wanna go take a walk down to the woods"
"Sure, ok, why not" I replied
She tugged on my arm and dragged me through the corridors, out the main castle gates and into the outskirts of the woods, as we walk deeper into the woods she let go of my hand and started to walk ahead of me, she kept wiping her hands off on her trousers every few minutes, was she nervous about something, Catra gets doesn't get nervous about anything, omg what is she's dying.

I was about to speak up when we came into a clearing, Catra sat down and gestured for me to follow, I sat down next to her and looked over at her playing with her hand, she turned her head to face me.

"Adora there is something I need to ask you"
I was so scared, what could make her this nervous.
"I love you" she said quietly. "and I'm not just saying that like it's how you would end a conversation, I love you, even if something happens and we're torn apart it will always be you, I will always find you, there is nobody else, I will never leave you, I am yours, forever"
She reached into her pocket and revealed a velvety black ring box, I could feel warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

"So Adora, will you be mine, forever, till death so us part?"
I looked down at the ring she held before me, it was silver with a small diamond at the top.
I couldn't contain myself anymore, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.
"So is that a yes?" She asked.
"yes, yes obviously" I said with tears still running down my face, she took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger.

She looked at me and laughed,
"What?" I said, I could feel my cheeks getting warm.
"I didn't know what you would say, I've been nervous all week, you know, just in case you said no" she looked into my eyes and her cheeks started to go red.
I grabbed her face and kissed her.
"I love you Catra, I could never say no"
"I love you too Blondie"
She smiled and kissed me back.

"Catra did you mean it?" I asked pulling back.
"Mean what?" She asked
"That you will never leave me" I whispered into her ear.
"Of course I did stupid, I promise that I will never leave you, till death do us part remember"
"I like the sound of that" I replied, I pulled her back in and we kissed again, I love her, I would die for her, and if anything were to happen to her, well...

Till death do us part my love.

Hey guys it's me, the author I hope you enjoyed this, btw this story will contain lots of flashbacks to moments of their lives together so when I said that it was a catradora story there will be catradora scenes :))
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