Years Gone

45 0 0

"Are you sure?" I ask my dad, as he stares at the college papers.

"Yes Ari, you got in. Your not imagining it, now. Are we going to pack?"

"We? Wait, does that's mean-"

"Yes Ari!" I almost fall down," They never sold our house. We're moving back in."

My new phone goes off again, a 5SOS tweet. I keep up with their lives. They haven't kept up with me the past two years, but boy have I stayed up to date on them. I knew they were gonna go far. I walk upstairs and begin to strip my room of posters, and roll them up. I take the Polaroids I took years ago with the boys, and everything else."

"Ari." My dad stops in the doorway," let's pack tomorrow, it is midnight after all." I nod happily and lay down on my bed. I'm going back.

I'm going back.....


"Hurry we're gonna miss the plane!" My dad says rushing me out of the car with our things. We barely make it in the gate in time, and board the plane.

I'm going back? No. I'm going home.


We drive through the familiar town, to our old house. As we park, I get right out and run in. I jump up and down, like a little fangirl. I run up to my room and see nothing has changed. A bit dusty, but still here. The movers bring my things in and I tell them where to put everything. We got it furnished from the previous owners. Meaning we left our stuff here and it's still here.

I plop down on my bed, and almost fall asleep. Almost. I hear a far military voice, one I heard in a concert in Perth.

"Ariana?" I turn, expecting Ashton.

"Luke?" I say, almost crying.

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