Chapter 5

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Isabella Swan and Kingsley have a mutual dislike for each other.

The only thing the two really had in common was Ophelia, which was also the thing the two couldn't get along over most. It was like two children fighting over a toy. Kingsley's job was to protect Ophelia, guide her and be her eyes as well as being her emotional support dog. Meanwhile, Bella had the title of older sister which was to take care of and look after her sibling and help her through hard times. 

Bella often times would get angry because the dog wouldn't allow her to take care of her sister and the dog would get angry when the she wouldn't let him take care of his owner. Ophelia had tried many times to get the two to like each other but it was helpless. Her dog would huff and intentionally block Bella from seeing her and Bella would spend her spare time with her sister, rendering him useless in some situations. 

Today especially, Ophelia felt she needed both of her support systems. She didn't bring Kingsley to school because she found out the hard way how disrespectful kids can be. However, today she was anxious for the field trip to be taken tomorrow, not liking the idea of wandering around in an unknown place with only Bella and her cane to help guide her. 

Edward watched as she bounced her leg up and down quickly in biology, nervously pulling at the sleeves of her sweater. He wanted so badly to ask her what was wrong but he knew better. Mr. Banner called out for everyone to pick a partner for the lab and both her and Edward overheard people talking about the girl in the back who nobody wanted because she wasn't a good worker. 

Edward turned, tempted to ask Ophelia if she wanted to be partners only to find her gone, speaking quietly with Bella. 

"I know you don't like him but that girl won't have anyone to partner with," she said quietly. Bella's eyes shifted to Edward and he knew they were speaking about him. 

"Opie, Mike said that's because she's flunking the class. If you want we can be partners and Edward can work with her, he's got an A." 

The girl shook her head, "We don't know why she's failing. It could just be something personal, or the environment in the class. Edward would just do all the work for her." He thought for a moment. Ophelia was trying desperately to take into consideration any possible reason for the girl's bad grade other than the fact that perhaps she just was lazy with work, and he could tell Bella thought the same as him. Nonetheless, her sister agreed, walking towards him and sitting down. 

He could overhear Ophelia speaking quietly with the other girl, greeting her kindly and asking about the assignment. 

"Listen, I don't know what's going on but you need to stop toying with my sister," Bella said suddenly. "I know she's ignoring you and all but that's not gonna last long. She's actually hurt by what you said and I don't like when people hurt her. She likes to see the good in everyone and she's really stuck on you." 

Edward blinked. "It wasn't my intention. I didn't think she'd take such an offense to what I said." 

"I'm not saying you have to be her friend or anything, but it's obvious you don't like not talking to her, so wouldn't it be simpler if you just stopped fighting it?" 

What the older Swan sister said made sense, and as he tuned back in to hear Ophelia's conversation he heard her laugh, congratulating her partner on getting the correct answer, and slowly helping her with the next. He listened to the other girl's thoughts, hearing how grateful she was that the nice girl had picked her as a partner as was happy that she was finally understanding something in this class, and she hoped that when she got back to her crappy home later that night it would finally be quiet enough for her to study. 

She sees the good in people. 

Lunch the following day was rough. She was already on edge because right after her biology class was supposed to get on buses and go on their field trip, but now as she anxiously tapped her way towards the cafeteria she wished for her sister to appear. 

Instead she got Allan Gerard, the boy who always came to school high off of some drug or smelling of alcohol. He approached her cockily, putting his arm in front of her to stop her from passing. 

"Did you hear about that spring dance?" He asked, his nasty breath burning her face. 


"Well, do you have something you wanna ask me?" 

"Could you please move?" She asked. Allan didn't like that question, as she tried to move past, he grabbed her cane angrily, throwing it in some other direction so she wouldn't be able to maneuver away. Ophelia's heart began racing, she could try to follow along the lockers but even then there are other things that could get in her way. 

It was in the cafeteria where Alice gasped, looking towards Edward's spot where he was no longer seated. 

"You should leave," Edward spoke loudly, capturing both Allan and Ophelia's attention. Laughing, he simply put his hands up in defense, leaving the hallway. 

It was already too late, Ophelia had begun hyperventilating, not liking having nothing to help her where her sight failed. 

"Hey, it's okay. He's gone." Edward spoke softly, gently placing her hand around his arm. 

"B-bella. I need Bella." Her voice was shakey and her breathing heavy. 

"Okay. I'll take you to her, is that okay?" She nodded, gripping his arm a little tighter, asking for a moment to regain composure. When she was ready, she nodded again, allowing Edward to walk her carefully to the cafeteria. 

Inside people began whispering, all wondering what Edward Cullen was doing walking the blind girl. Bella was sitting at their usual table, not paying attention to what was going on until Angela nudged her. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" Bella rushed when she made it over to her sister, who immediately let go of Edward's arm and embraced her. He tried hard not to acknowledge the slight sting in his heart when she left his side. 

The two talked back and forth for a moment before Ophelia turned to Edward once again. "Thank you." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving back to his original seat, where his vampire siblings all stared at him in astonishment. 

Edward never strayed too far from Ophelia during the field trip, wanting to make sure she was okay after the day's events. 

"Would you like to walk with me Edward?" She asked him. He hadn't noticed how obvious he had been. 

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright." 

"I always am. But thank you, once again for coming to my rescue." 

"About that," Edward coughed nervously, "I didn't mean to offend you with my response. It's just personal reasons." 

Ophelia smiled, understanding. "Don't worry, whatever it is is safe with me. But I will still figure it out."

On the bus, Edward tried dangerously hard to read Ophelia's thoughts. It was always the same, painful stinging behind the eyes as he awaited for a picture to appear. It was more work than it was worth seeing as he'd just have to think about whatever it was meant. 

Ophelia sat quietly beside her sister, resting her head lazily against Bella's shoulder and holding her hand tightly. Bella wished for nothing more than to take away all the worries that her sister had. "It's okay Opie. We can go home and take a nap later."

The girl snorted in response. "You never take naps before dinner because its too close to when we go to bed. And you complain Kingsley takes up too much of the bed." 

"Because they're both true. But for you I'll do anything." Ophelia hummed in response, whispering an 'I love you' before drifting back off into her distant state, not paying attention to the world around her. 

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