Chapter 8

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Edward watched from across the cafeteria as Bella Swan whispered into her sister's ear about how much trouble she was going to be in when she got caught. He was confused, not understanding what Ophelia of all people would have done to get in trouble. 

That was when everyone heard it. 

The screams echoing down the hallways of Forks High School, making their way to the cafeteria. Edward looked to his adoptive sister Alice, hoping to see a glimpse of what was going on only to be met with her jingly laugh, obviously amused by what the others had missed. 

"Quick, grab it!"

"Ew no, you get it!" 

The yells of various students that Edward honestly hadn't realized even went to school were overlapping. 

Looking back over, he saw Ophelia looking at Bella sheepishly. "I couldn't just use the window because the classroom is on a high floor. So I might've sort've just let them all out in the hallway."


It clicked then. The sound of croaking of frogs became louder as more people opened the doors to the cafeteria in an attempt to get out of the school faster. Frogs began jumping all over; onto peoples backpacks, on the seats and tables, anywhere to avoid the madness. 

"Holy crap this is awesome! Bro, I'm so glad you didn't eat her like I told you to," Emmett's laughed boomed off the walls. 

It wasn't long before the principal had called Ophelia up to the office, an eye witness had snitched her out when they say her carrying the boxes out into the hallway prior to the commotion. 

"Chief Swan, we're trying really hard to think of a proper punishment for your daughter. Actions like this are not allowed or tolerated in my school." Harold Green, the principal spoke sternly. 

Charlie sighed, closing the door to the principals office behind him, meeting the teary eyes of his daughter who had been waiting on the bench for the past hour for their meeting to finish, Edward listening close by. 

"I'm really sorry Dad but I couldn't help it. They were gonna kill them so we could dissect them in biology and I wouldn't be able to put up with myself if I let that happen," she sniffled. 

Charlie was dumbfounded, not at all sure what to do in this situation. "So you ... set all the frogs free?" She nodded making him rub his temples and Edward smile from his hiding spot. "Oh Opie," he sighed again. "Lets go home." With that she hugged her father tightly, sniffling a few more times before they drove back home. 


"You are nothing like anybody I have ever encountered in my entire existence," Edward chuckled from his spot on Ophelia's bed. "I thought you said you would go fishing with Charlie all the time?" 

"I do but when I'm with him he doesn't put any bait on so we don't catch anything. We tried actually fishing once when I was a kid but when he finally helped me catch one I started crying because I didn't want to hurt them with the hooks." 

Yet another story about Charlie's love and patience. That man loved his fishing, so for him to spend hours fishing for no reason, knowing he couldn't even catch anything,  proved more of his unspoken love for Ophelia. 

"So what's the point in you going fishing?" 

"For the experience," Ophelia responded in a duh tone, making Edward throw his head back in laughter once more. 

"Ophelia Swan, you amaze me." Once the words left his mouth his body froze up in worry of the girl's reaction. She felt the heat spread across her face, a deep red blush covering her cheeks at his comment, the heat spreading all the way to her heart which had began beating faster. 

Suddenly Ophelia sat up, sniffing the air and walking towards her open window where a breeze had just blown in. "What's wrong?" Edward made his way over to her side, placing a gentle hand on her waist. 


Without hesitation, she quickly made her way out her bedroom door, down the stairs and out into their backyard, calling Kingsley for him to follow. Edward and herself were the only two currently home, Bella had attended a study session with Angela and Charlie had to take another shift at the station. 

As if on cue when she glanced up at the sky, rain began falling, making her laugh childishly and dance around in a circle. Barefoot and playful she flounced around the yard clumsily with Kingsley who also seemed to enjoy the weather. 

"You're gonna catch a cold! At least put on a coat," Edward pleaded, trying desperately to get her to stop moving away from his coat he was trying to place over her shoulders. 

"Isn't it beautiful?" Ophelia smiled up at him, still drenched from head to toe in rain, unaware of the distant gaze in his eyes. 


A short but cute chapter <3

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