Chapter 21

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"What if someone hurts him?"

"Opie, the dog is the size of a miniature horse, I don't think you have to worry," Charlie sighed. "You have to go to school."

Ophelia could feel her eyes start to water and held Bella's hand tighter.

"It's gonna be okay. Tell me what you're feeling anxious about," Bella tried.

At the moment her and Charlie were initiating good cop bad cop. Problem was that despite being the real cop out of the two, he kept trying to be the good cop. In Charlie's defense, he was tired of seeing his youngest daughter hurting. For some reason school brought up too much anxiety and made things worse and her sick. His main concern was her health, not school attendance.

"I don't know what it is Bella. I really don't," she whispered back.

"Just pack your bag okay? I'll get Kingsley ready and today is gonna be a step closer."

It wasn't up for discussion anymore, after many phone calls with the school Ophelia didn't have much of a choice if she wanted to graduate in the spring.

She sat anxiously in the car, petting Kingsley who was trying his best to be as comforting as possible, while also containing his excitement of helping her outside of the house again.

Bella helped them out of the car and Kingsley slowly led her towards the school, taking the normal precautions when needed to step up or around things. Since Kingsley had never been to Forks High School, Bella was going to meet them outside of all Ophelia's classes and show him the proper routes until he got it down. But his main concern was mostly keeping her as far away from intruding people, away from the smell of food, and lastly the bathrooms; thinking that if the option wasn't there then she wouldn't get sick.

But as soon as they stepped into the school she could feel eyes all over her. It made Ophelia's skin clam up and feel sweaty, along with an uncomfortable turn of her stomach. Kingsley stopped as well, sensing the impending anxiety and shifted back to emotional support dog mode.

He licked her hand to get her attention before thrusting his big head in her hand in an attempt to get her to pet him, which worked. Petting his short, soft fur brought Ophelia some comfort, allowing her to quietly tell him "lets go" and him start leading again.

The first few classes went smoothly, although Ophelia honestly couldn't tell whoever asked what they talked about. The whole time was basically a daze; feeling hot and nauseous as well as a little dizzy. She spent most of her time petting Kingsley who left his heavy head on her lap the entire time, never once taking it off in case she would worry he left.

It was on her way to the cafeteria, which Kingsley's nose could easily take her to, when she felt the anxiety become too much. Something about the thought of being in that room, surrounded by so many people who would stare at her, probably having to sit with Bella's friends because the Cullen's were no longer there, made her feel ill.

She stopped, unintentionally yanking on Kingsley's harness. Her breathing became quick and uneasy, making him sniff and lick her furiously in an attempt to stop it as fast as possible.

"Well well, look who it is."

Allan Gerard, the boy from so many months ago that Edward had scared off.

Ophelia didn't respond, the lack of air in her lungs didn't allow her to.

"Funny, I haven't seen your little boyfriend around. So much for the empty threats he left, huh?" He began walking closer, only for Kingsley to snarl loudly and snap at his outstretched hand. "What the fuck! Calm your stupid horse down." Another snap followed by an even louder snarl.

At this point, Ophelia couldn't even hear correctly, and other kids from the nearby cafeteria were trickling in after hearing the dog's loud reaction. He was barking loudly and snapping viciously at the boy who had made her feel so uncomfortable, but she wasn't paying attention. She felt like throwing up and quickly let go of his lead, which tore his intense glaring match with the delinquent away and back to his owner.

She stumbled carelessly, feeling along the wall as Kingsley ran back over, nudging her hand and trying to give him the guide to his harness back only to be ignored. Instead, she bent over and began throwing up, spilling anything and everything that could have been in her stomach.

Hot tears spilled down Ophelia's face as Angela Webber finally pushed through the crowd with Bella, who she had went to find as soon as people had began whispering.

Ophelia was bent over dry heaving and crying, feeling terrified that so many kids were watching her freak out like this. Kingsley was whimpering loudly, spotting Bella and quickly pushing her over before pushing Ophelia's hands and arms away from her face, sitting her up in a better position to breathe.

"Opie, I'm so sorry," Bella apologized profusely, helping her stand up and hugging her tightly.

"C-can you call dad?" Ophelia muttered to which Bella immediately followed with a yes.

She held her sister close as Kingsley led them down the hall.

"Hey assholes! There's nothing to see here so you can go the fuck away now!" Bella shouted out so the onlookers would disperse.

"I'm sorry," Ophelia cried to Bella when they finally made it to the truck.

"No, Opie it's okay. There's nothing to be sorry for. Dad will make sure the school gets you all the schoolwork you need and you don't have to go back. It isn't your fault," Bella soothed, rubbing Ophelia's shoulders. "You remember Jake, right? How I've been hanging out with him at Billy's?"

"You mean crushing on him at Billy's," Ophelia laughed dryly, trying her best to lighten the mood.

Bella laughed back, shaking her head in disbelief that her sister is still trying to make her feel better after everything she just went through. "Right. We can drop the truck off there and go to the beach and relax. If you feel comfortable Jacob can come but only if you want. Or we can just have a girls day." A whine from Kingsley slipped in. "Plus Kingsley."

Ophelia simply nodded, needing somewhere to escape.

"Can I brush my teeth first?"

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