Chapter 6

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"Bella why don't we just google it." 

Bella stopped, staring at her sister. "I did but I really think we should buy this book just in case. You don't wanna just walk up to him and claim he's some supernatural dude based on the little proof we have." 

Ophelia grumbled in response, "I'll check it out at the library later but it really wouldn't matter. Even if we found out what it is I wouldn't have the guts to call him out on it." 

It had been a few days since the school trip and Ophelia and her sister had been brainstorming what they both knew about the Cullens. So far they had narrowed it down, but the answer wasn't exactly what they had hoped. How do you tell a boy you think he's a literal vampire. 

The following day during lunch Edward sat uncomfortably as he watched as Ophelia made her way over to their table. "Ophelia," he breathed out. 

"Hi. No offense or anything but I'm not exactly here to talk to you," she said. It confused everyone at the table, none of them sure who to expect as none of them had been allowed to speak to the human because of Edward. "Rosalie?" 

Rose sat, seething at the fact the human girl came over to speak to her. She had no desire to be the girls friend. "Yes?" 

Ophelia turned so she could face her. "I brought you this. I finished it last night and I thought you might want it." Her voice was soft, and her actions nearly melted Rosalie's stone cold heart when she reached into her bag and pulled out the painting from the other day. 

Edward listened as his sister's thoughts were racing, confused and slightly happy at the kind gesture of Ophelia. "Thank you." 

She simply nodded with a small smile, "I'll talk to you in class Edward." 

"Um, I actually won't be there. I felt like ditching for once." His voice amused her, she hadn't thought of him as the ditching type. How convenient, him skipping class on blood typing day, Ophelia thought.

However, during the start of biology as Edward sat in his car, he watched as Bella struggled to sit her sister down on the sidewalk. 

"What's going on? Is she okay?" 

"Yeah - she's just - uh it's the blood from the lab," Bella choked out, looking just as green and pale as her sister. Clearly the two were not good with blood. 

Edward quickly leaned down to help but Ophelia brushed him off. "I'm fine. I just need some air. Bella can stay with me." Bella nodded in conformation, although she leaned over looking as though she was ready to hurl at any minute. 

"At least let me drive you two home. Alice can come get your truck later." 

"I'm not going home. I have to go to library today," Ophelia responded. 

"Then I will drop you off there," Edward pleaded. Eventually the two sisters gave in, letting him drive Bella home and Ophelia to the library in a mostly silent car ride. 

"Clair de Lune is beautiful," she said suddenly after he had just dropped Bella off. 

"It's one of my favorites." 

After that no more words were shared, instead he just dropped her off, letting her say a quiet thank you and closing the car door. 

The library wasn't very useful. There weren't very many books in braille and it did nothing to help her and her sister's research. They already had an inkling of what was going on, Bella obviously having to do most of the work because she could actually see the family. But still, Ophelia remained at the library until closing time, where she struggled to find the payphone to call her sister. 

"Hey there Arizona. Did ya rethink the dance?" Allan Gerard asked, coming to stand dangerously close to Ophelia. 

"Sorry, I'm not gonna be in town that weekend." 

"Bullshit, that's just a cop out. Why don't we practice our slow dancing here? We can get all nice and close," He said into her ear, aggressively pulling her towards his body. 

Once again she felt her breathing hitch. "Let go of me." Of course the boy did nothing but grab her tighter, her waist hurting from the pressure he was applying. "I said let go!" She tried to sound confident, shoving at Allan's body. 

"Don't be like that."

All at once his weight was gone, no longer shoved against Ophelia's body. "If you ever touch her or even look at her again, I will  kill you." Edward snarled out, scaring the intoxicated teenager that was being held by the throat. Allan nodded quickly, hurrying to rush away once the cold hand was no longer holding him. 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Edward rushed out, grabbing Ophelia's wet face gently, wiping away any trace of tears with his thumbs. 

She shook her head, not able to get words out before wrapping her arms tightly around him, burying her face into his chest which she barely reached due to her height. "I'm sorry." 

"Hey, don't apologize for that vile boy. If you could have heard his thou--" Edward stopped, catching himself a moment too late. 

"His thoughts?" Ophelia asked. "I knew it!" 

"Knew what?" Edward asked, trying to seem unfased. 

Ophelia started smiling, shocked that it was even possible let alone true. I have to tell Bella, she thought to herself.

 "Edward Cullen, we have a lot to discuss." 

Ehh not really a fan of this chapter but I hope y'all liked it. Better ones coming soon <3

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