Chapter 33

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"Oh no," Alice whispered. 

Jasper, who was sitting beside her at the time of her vision felt her mood shift, but not in a negative way. "What's wrong?" 

The little vampire started giggling creepily, looking over at her mate with a different kind of glimmer in her eyes.

"You two are in trouble," she sang.


"These are not my plants!" Ophelia raised her voice in frustration. 

Edward was following her around the room attempting to keep her calm, only to be shut down every time.

"Are you sure? Maybe you're just feeling off because of your trip," he tried to reason. 

Ophelia gasped, spinning around quickly to glare in his direction. She lifted the one in her hand up high for him to see. 

"This is an impostor. I don't know who it is, but it is not my Steve!" 

Edward sighed, leaning against the door wall and massaging his head. "Do you want me to get rid of them?" 

Once again, the small girl spun around dramatically, tripping over her own foot which made Kingsley whine in concern. "Of course not! But I'm not just going to get over the fact that I trusted your brothers to look after my plants and I come home to a room full of phonies."

They went back and forth until the house phone rang. Edward moved to grab it but Ophelia stopped him. 

"It's probably just mom again," she mumbled. 

"You're going to have to speak to her eventually. She's probably hurt you didn't come to visit with Bella."

She crossed her arms, leaning back against her pillows. "I don't want to talk to her. Not yet." 

It wasn't until a knock at the door made Edward snap. 

"He shouldn't be here," Edward snarled, moving quickly downstairs and to the front door. Ophelia followed, knowing she'd have to diffuse whatever situation was to come. 

"Leave mutt." 

Ophelia gasped at the name calling. "We do not use that kind of language in my house or at all around me."

"I'm not leaving. Not until I can see Opie."

"Jake?" Ophelia called, and she could practically hear the boy smiling from ear to ear at her voice. Ignoring Edward's calls, she moved past him and right into the warm embrace of Jacob Black. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Opie," Jacob mumbled into her shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I was nervous you'd be afraid of me or something." 

"As she should be," Edward retorted.

"Edward! Don't act like he's beneath you," Ophelia scolded before talking to her friend once more. "Of course I'm not scared of you," she swallowed, though her heart beat said differently. She couldn't hide the fact that she'd lost many nights of sleep after the accident, or the way she'd sometimes feel anxious whenever Kingsley's paw would touch her.

"Is Bella here?" 

Jacob knew the answer. He never would have had the guts to come see her if Bella had been there. The reality was that the likelihood of him getting to be with his imprint were slim to none after nearly killing her sister. 

"She'll come around eventually," Ophelia reassured. "I was talking to her before she left for Florida. She almost went to visit you." 

Edward sat impatiently as the two chatted away, silently seething at his close proximity to his mate. He constantly kept his attention on Jacob's thoughts, cautious for any slip up that may make him shift. He continued this up until the wolf left. 

"What was that?"

"What do you mean?" Ophelia asked innocently.

"Ophelia don't do that with me right now. You know how dangerous he is and yet you still let him on your porch. He's not even supposed to be on our lan-"

"Your land," she cut him off. "You're one to talk considering what happened while I was gone. Rose told me all about it last night on the phone." 

Edward would normally be happy that for once his sister was treating Ophelia with respect, but this definitely was not one of those times. 

"I told you we were just making sure if Alice's vision was true."

"You didn't even tell me about it afterwards Edward. You said nothing happened, you never even said Victoria was there. That's the problem. I know how badly you want me to be safe, but how can I be safe when I have no idea what's going on?" She argued back.

"Well I-" Edward stopped when he saw Ophelia sit down at the kitchen table with a huff, closing her eyes hard and breathing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm meditating." 

"What?" he asked again.

"You have frustrated me beyond belief, and I will now be resigning to a peaceful state so I don't say something I don't mean or sick Kingsley on you." At the sound of his name, Kingsley's head shot up to glare at Edward, almost as if saying he would do it.

"You seem to forget what happens when you have the information. You go and get yourself hurt. Does Phoenix ring any bells to you?" 

With that, Ophelia's eyes snapped open once more and she stood up and pointed to the door. 

"Out," she said plainly. 

"We need to talk about this-"

"No, you're talking and not listening. It's not fair to me and I don't wanna get all upset and cry like a baby again so please leave. Bella's coming home tonight so don't bother with the window 'cause I'll be in her bed," Ophelia sniffled, feeling emotionally drained from the arguing. 

The vampire sighed, walking away still slightly annoyed, only getting halfway out the door before he turned back around and walked back over to his girlfriend. Bending down, he grabbed her face and kissed her forehead gently. 

"I love you."  

A better chapter coming soon. No fighting in the next one I promise lol

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