Chapter 34

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Bella's room was dark and cold, just how Ophelia liked it and she hated it. 

Walking in, Bella leaned against the door frame examining the room. Kingsley and Ophelia were cuddled up in her bed, the moonlight drifting in through Bella's window cast a soft glow to her little sister's face, making her seem even more angelic. 

Her heart warmed as Ophelia mumbled incoherent words in her sleep, tugging the blanket closer and cuddling further into her dog's fur. Kingsley, who had already woken up once he heard Bella come up the stairs, watched her lazily as if testing to see if she'd dare wake up his precious owner. 

Bella Swan knew better than to wake up the sleeping girl, fully aware of the violence that occurs. Her jaw still clicked loudly from time to time due to Ophelia's deadly right hook.  

Instead, she made her way to the other side of the bed and climbed in so she was on the opposite side of Ophelia, Kingsley on the other. The two still didn't particularly like each other - not that that'd ever change. She didn't have to worry too much as her sister was a very heavy sleeper. 

The next morning, Ophelia woke up with a big yawn, kicking aggressively at a stubborn clump of blankets next to her in an attempt to stretch out comfortably. 

"Ouch! Opie!" 

"Bells?" Ophelia shot up, feeling beside her and accidentally poking Bella in the eye before rolling over on top of her. "I missed you!" 

"Yeah, I figured when I came in and you were sleeping in my bed," Bella chuckled.

Ophelia pouted, "You know I always wait up for you and dad when you're gone."

"I know. I had to come home from a slumber party in 7th grade because mom couldn't get you out of my bed and you started to cry." 

"I'm a sensitive girl with attachment issues!" 

They laid in bed, sharing stories from their separate trips. Ophelia remained close to Bella, not that she minded. 

"Do you think you'll ever talk to Jake again?" She asked out of the blue, Bella breathing in a small breath at the question. 

"He hurt you." Bella recited the same words her boyfriend had the day prior. 

"He didn't mean to. It isn't his fault. Let's not forget that I was the one that purposely stepped in the way." 

"Oh Opie," Bella sighed. "Why do you always have to see the good in people?" 

"Because if they're worth it, then they have to be good, otherwise they wouldn't be worth it." 


It was later in the evening. The sun had already gone down, not that it made any difference to Ophelia. Bella decided after long consideration - and help from her sister - that she would go visit Jacob. 

Charlie had to work late.  Meanwhile, Ophelia was upstairs taking a shower. The steam filled the small room and Kingsley sat on the other side waiting impatiently for his human to to come out. 

He broke the door down once because she took too long and he was worried. 

However, this night felt different. Kingsley could feel something strange was going on - smell it in the air. A pungent smell, similar to Edward's wafted into his nose and made him sniffle back a sneeze. 

He could tell it wasn't Edward. 

No, Edward always came through the window and announced himself to Kingsley so he wouldn't attack. It was someone else. He heard quick footsteps and immediately jumped up and began growling lowly at whoever the invisible intruder was. 

When the pattering sound came once more he resorted to barking loudly, standing his ground in front of the bathroom door. 

"I'll be out soon. It's okay," Ophelia called. 

But that wasn't what Kingsley wanted. For once he wanted her to stay in the bathroom where it was safer. 

He barked louder as the fast footsteps came to a stop. A strange man was a few feet away from him, just outside of Ophelia's room holding one of her nightgowns that had been left on the bed. 

Kingsley didn't hesitate. 

He snarled loudly and rushed as fast as he could towards the stranger only for him to move quickly out of the way. His teeth that had just barely missed the strangers hand, only snapped close on a piece of the cloth on Ophelia's nightgown and ripped it off. 

 Confused, Kingsley growled again as Ophelia opened the bathroom with a gasp. In her towel she could feel someone standing right in front of her, sending a chill down her spine before the presence vanished. 

Ophelia shook as wildly, sitting on the fluffy rug in the now locked bathroom with Kingsley, who comforted her as best he could while still being on guard in case they came back. 

"Ophelia?" Edward knocked sighing in relief when he heard Kingsley growl back and her soft footsteps heading towards the door. The lock clicked and in an instant her small arms were wrapped around his body. "You're okay," he repeated over and over, rocking her body back and forth and kissing the top of her head. 

He tried his best to ignore the towel she was still in but it was becoming too distracting as he worried that it'd fall and she'd be even more upset. "Come on, sweet girl. Let's get you dressed."

Edward walked her carefully into her room, already noticing the smell of another other vampire. Kingsley followed glumly, still disappointed he couldn't stop the stranger. 

Pulling out comfy clothes, one of his t-shirts he gave her per her request, some clean underwear that he tried not to look at for her privacy, and some sweat pants that probably belonged to Charlie at some point. She usually didn't like wearing pants to sleep, but as she had been sitting with her thick and dripping hair it made her quite cold. 

They crawled under the blankets, Ophelia immediately reaching out for Kingsley, who quickly climbed up and cuddled his big head onto her lap. 

"You did amazing, boy. You're a good boy Kingsley. I love you," she mumbled and kissed his head, cheering him up with each praise. 

Edward sat beside her, waiting for their moment to be done so that she could be comforted. 

When it came, she buried her face into Edward's chest. "I'm sorry for yesterday," Ophelia whispered. 

Edward shushed her, pulling her face up and placing gentle kisses all over. "I'm sorry too. Let's not worry about that now." 

Ophelia didn't sleep much that night. 

Someone please give me motivation to finish Desecrate so that I can move on to Draco lmao 

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