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There is a world, well many worlds to be precise but there's a time in history where events can change. A prophecy was placed in the center of all these worlds. This world is called Time.Within the world of time there was a royal child of the second star born under the control of Night for shade beast. This prophecy would be able to control even the sun and the moon, the entire universe. In this prophecy a young baby girl was born and misplaced taken into the world the gods and goddess care to darkness trying to take over; for protection. Under the hands of Amphitrite and Zeus. God of thunder and Goddess of the sea. As darkness spread throughout the universe. She was protected till the location was found. The baby once again was placed somewhere safe. She was taken to a foxing tribe, under the control of King William and Queen Lily of the Southern Time. For further protection. She was even transformed into their kind to hide it.

They had a son that was a few years older of the age. The two of them blended as a natural connection, not a forced. But all eventually broke that up around the little girl's age of three. On November 1 ;There was a blood moon setting upon the tribes hide out. The two kids were currently playing in the sunflower fields. But shortly after that the darkness attacked. A clan by the name of Dark blood strike the clan slaughter anyone in their way. The leader's henchmen kidnapped the girl. The boy tried fighting and was the only survivor known, he was taken down with a massive strike to his eye. But when he had awaken he was too late.

The Prophecy was taken to the leader's cellar. She was beaten and covered as if abused. Her eyes were a bright blood thirst red. The lord had whipped her memories away so he could use her as a puppet to gain the power she had for his queen. The lord had a daughter and a son. The son happened to be exploring one day and stumbled upon this girl. He convinced his father to raise her as one of them. What he didn't know nor the daughter knew who she really was. Many years passed and the daughter and son of the Lord; mother had become deceased. And the abused happened again towards the prophecy. So the son age of 16 took both his sister and the girl to the mortal world on earth. Created a barrier to prevent his father coming after them. Whipped her memories raising both girls. Let's embark on the future and start the Adventure, in 120 AD Winter the town is called Frostily  

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