Chapter 8 {New}

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It was far passed midnight yet Jack couldn't fall back to sleep. He woke up hours ago by a dream. It wasn't exactly a nightmare by it was vivid enough to keep him up for probably the next day or two.

All he kept seeing was a woman, in a half push up position on the ground with a sinister grin and blood splattered all over her like she committed genocide by exploding those bodies. Even if the woman was all he saw, many different, more subconscious, visions popped into his head. Anything situations he thought would have happened before that one moment but it all came back to mass murder.

And what scared him the most is that he knew that it was real. That it really happened. And he knew- he felt that he knew who it was. Like some sort of loss connection. He could basically feel her, somewhere far away yet getting closer everyday and he felt terrified.

So instead of laying down for the rest of the night with absolutely no understanding of what was going inside his head he got up, not caring about what time it was, and went straight to Mark's room, this time not getting lost.

He knocked on the door quietly, being aware that there were other rooms nearby. His only goal was to get Mark. He didn't know the other well enough to tell them what was going on.

The door opened quickly, this time it was very obvious that Mark had just woken up considering that his eyes were still closed.

"Sorry, I know it's late but I think it's kind of important." Jack mumbled and played with his sleeves. He wasn't sure how to get the topic started.

"It's fine. You're not the first person to wake me up so early. What's up?" His voice made Jack pause, momentarily forgetting what he was about to say. But he thought nothing of it.

"I've been having this dream." He started off. But it gave Mark the wrong impression.

"You could talk to Tiffany about it. I'm sure it won't be a problem." Jack shook his head violently. You could see his body start to tremble.

"Not that kind of dream." His voiced trembled as he looked at the floor. He didn't want Mark to see the tears that started to pool in his eyes.

"Um, it was a woman. And I think she killed someone. She was covered in blood and I felt like I knew her-" That was all he was able to say before his voice cracked. He hugged himself, trying to get his body to stop shaking but it wasn't helping.

"Wait- okay." Mark took him by the arm and led him inside. It didn't sound like a conversation to be having in the hallway.

He slowly led Jack to the bed and sat him down, kneeling in front of him so Jack didn't have to look up at him.

"Are you sure this isn't just some made up fever dream? You know that it's real?" Mark had to make sure. If they knew who Jack's father was, it was very likely that they know who his mother is too.

Jack nodded as he closed his eyes only to open them right after. More visions flooded his head as the same ones popped up more and more.

"I feel like she's trying to get into my head. But I don't know who she is. Like some sort of lost memory. Maybe it's not even mine." He rubbed his arms as Mark stood back up and moved away. He came right back to Jack moments later with a photo in his hand.

"Does she look like this." Mark held the photo in front of Jack who almost immediately looked away and nodded. He feared her.

"Alright. What you need to know is that she can't fine you here. As long as you're with us, you're safe. But you should start on your powers sooner rather than later. She wouldn't dare attack us while we're all down here. But once we get back up to the surface, we're all fair game."

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