47: Unbothered Queen

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Jeonghan's POV

~Next Day~



"Yoon Jeonghan!" I jolted up upon hearing Mina's high-pitch voice which woke me up. I stared at her with half-eyes opened.

"What?" I asked, still sleepy as I rubbed my eyes.

"Wake up, It's time to go home" She said as I examined her from head to toe and realized that she's wearing new clothes.

"Wait what, where are we going?"

"To Seoul" She said as she started to tie her hair up in a knot.

"But I thought we're gonna stay here for a week?" I asked, clueless as she face the mirror.

"There is something we must take care of, so get dress"

Mina's POV

"I thought we were gonna stay here for a week?" Jeonghan asked as we hopped inside my car.

"I changed my mind"

"Oh, How come?" I started the engine and immediately drove away.

"We need to release a statement as much a possible and of course take care of pressing charges against Mr. Kim Yochul"

"Wait what-M..M-Mr. Kim?!" Jeonghan exclaimed with widened eyes.

"Yeah, He's the one who spread our pictures"

"Really?! Why would he do that?! That's crazy!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"Oh, Didn't I tell you about it?"

"No, You just told me that you were gonna deny the image. You didn't mention anything about the culprit" He said as I huffed out a sigh.

Why am I so forgetful these days?

"That old man had stalked me for months after I exposed the harassment he did to me."

"When he found that we were making out, He took that opportunity for revenge" I added as he nodded his head.

"I get it"

Soonyoung's POV

"So have you thought about our deal, Soonyoung?" I gulped nervously as Ms. Seo sat down in front of me, crossing her legs.

"Don't tell me you're gonna turn it down" She chuckled as I looked away, trying to keep myself together.

I felt sick to my stomach, I couldn't think straight at all. My heart was pounding like crazy.

"C-Can give me a few more days to think?" I asked, She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"A few more days? Really? You know, I hate waiting." She said as her expression suddenly turned dull and scary, making me even more tense.

"I-I'm not sure about it"

"Sure about it?! Why are you not sure?! We're talking about money and posi-" Her words were cut off upon the sudden burst open of the door.

"M-Ms. Park" I stood up startled as Ms. Park entered my office. She was in her professional clothes, but her aura seems different.

She's back!

Is it just me or does her make-up has something to do with her mood and aura.

"Soonyoung, Will you please hand me the reports for the passed few days"

"Y-Yes miss, I'll deliver it to your office" I said before turning her gaze to Ms. Seo, Who sat down on the sit, frozen on her spot as she stared at Ms. Park with shocked eyes.

"I'll be waiting" Ms. Park removed her gaze from her before walking out of my office.

"M-Mina" Ms. Seo called, but Ms. Park didn't even spare a single glance.

Mina's POV

"Here are the reports for the passed few days" Soonyoung handed me a few files. I adjusted my glasses as I continued to read the documents.

"Seems like our stocks are going back to its normal way"

"Did the media released some articles about me?" I asked

"Yes, there are a few" He said as he scrolled through his phone before showing it to me.

CEO Kim Yochul Arrested For Alleged Stalking And Harassment.

CEO Park Mina Was Harassed And Stalked By A Colleague.

"He really thought he could take me down" I couldn't help, but laugh upon reading a few articles and comments.

He should really watch out on who is he messing with.

"Anyway, Soonyoung, You can leave now. Ask Jeonghan to give attorney Han a call so we can have a meeting" I said as I handed him back his phone.

"Yes Miss" He said as he turned around to walk away, but then he halted, his hands suddenly turned into fists. I continued to read my documents, not sparing a glance.

"Ms. Park" He called

"Hmm?" I hummed in response

"Th-There is something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" I asked as I removed my attention from the documents.


"Did you call Attorney Han?" I asked

"Yes, He said you two could meet tomorrow by four" Jeonghan answered as I nodded my head lightly. There was a moment of silence in my office, until I noticed on how he's been staring at me for seconds.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked as he flinched, as if he got back to his senses.

"N-Nothing" He said as he looked away.

"I believe there is" I smiled at him as I turned my gaze to him. His confuse eyes met mine.

"You know what it is?" I smirked

"It's beauty" I chuckled lightly as he gave me an emotionless look.

"Come on, Laugh at my joke" I said but he just stared at me.

Suddenly, the silence of my office was disturbed upon Lia's presence. She entered, Holding a box of macarons which she placed on my desk. She was smiling innocently, but I know something is up.

"The directors and I wanted to apologize for last time's unrighteous event, so please take this sweets as a sign of reconciliation"

"Just leave it here" I said, not sparing a glance at her.

"Thank you, You're the best CEO ever" she smiled ear-to-ear before leaving my office.

Sarcasm huh.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I grab the box of macarons and threw it in the garbage bin which made Jeonghan gasped.

"Poor macarons" Jeonghan shook his head as he stared at the garbage bin.

"She's trying to kill me, Jeonghan" I answered toneless as I pulled out a lipstick from my bag.

"Wait What, Wh-Why would she do that? That's crazy." He turned to me with a shocked, curious look, anticipating for an answer.

"Because they wanted to strip me off" I said as I took off the cap of my lipstick and started to apply it on my lips.

"And this calls for a war" I added as Jeonghan scoffed.

"No wonder why you were wearing an oddly red lipstick"

"You got it right" I smirked

Forbidden Series #1 🥀: Love Deprived || JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now