Kindness mixed with Evil Schemes

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Offers such as these are chances that you can only get once a while, but turn these off are also easy, since he forbade Athanasia to stay at the Emerald Palace without her permission nor knowledge, this is tehnically kidnapping. With Claude eyes full of hope, Athanasia decided, what she will take, the path of the Precious Princess or the path of the Neglected Princess.

"I....accept the offer." Claude surely stand up out of happiness but only realized it now, he faked to call a servant over, "...Bring us some more tea." Athanasia sneaks, both their cups are still full, either the tea pot is. The servant was confused and walked away, tilting his head. Claude then started to leave, "Your stuffs will be transfer to your new room, so take your time. I'll not taking any of your time now." 

Athanasia got off her chair and bows while Claude was leaving. Felix followed him and waved goodbye to Athanasia, with a cheerful face. Athanasia did waved back but with her evil smile, pity the poor Felix who's don't know what's going. She didn't accept it because of nothing, living in the Emerald Palace and receiving attention from Claude will help strengthen her position as the future Crown Princess and Empress. 

She won't play the naive role anymore, there's a person that's more fitting than her, Jeanette. She will sure to pay all of them, her anger and pain. Seeing the servant bringing more tea, she sighed, "The Emperor has take his leave, so will I now. Please bring this back and drink it with others." Clearly, she didn't want to spend any more time here,  but her kind words and child-like voice make it looks like she's caring for the employers. The servant was touched, he bowed and thanked the princess and took his leave.

Athanasia looked around, but she didn't see any maids nor servants, so she decided to leave alone. It's not like she hasn't gone anywhere without an escort. She rather used to it, the maids at the Ruby Palace weren't many, it was the oppsite, so everyone have 2-3 jobs to do. No one's was so free to look after Athanasia 24/7. 

She picked a flower which have the same name as her, Athanasia. It means immortality, only the direct heir to the throne have permission to use the names means immortality. Claude is an example, he wasn't a legal heir, he took it by force, by killing the previous Emperor, his brother, Anastacius. 

The flower scent is rather refreshing and soft. She met a quite few servants of the Emerald Palace on her way out, but none of them cared to greet her, they just took a glance and then wander off. There's plenty of rumors about Athanasia and Claude, about how Athanasia have been treated unfairly, like a low-noble. That if you approach and help Athanasia, your head might be flying. 

Of course, such rumors also did existed in her previous life, but she can't do anything about it, until now. She'll blind Claude and use his authority, for her only goal. Survive and Avenge. Survive and become the mother of the continent, the Empress. Avenge those who made her suffer for the whole time and took away her happiness.


Arriving back in the Ruby Palace, Athanasia can see a large amount of servants and maids were there to transfer her stuffs to her new home. Lilian York was there, she was leading the works, her face written all out her mind, Athanasia can clearly see that Lily was happy. Was it because Athanasia finally receive the attention she deserved?

"I...I feel like I've tricked everybody, for my own needs. Claude, Felix and even Lily, they three are all happy because I accepted Claude offer. I...feel bad." Kindness is still there within Athanasia, the kind and forgiving Athanasia is still there, remain unchanging. But Athanasia shook the idea off and once again, goes to the Paddy field. Hopping that she'll see that woman again, to clarify everything.

It was almost dark when Athanasia arrive, she waited for an hour but the woman didn't showed up. She goes back home, with a down spirit, no one seems to notice that the Princess was so late, since they were all busy. Her new bedroom welcomed her with a shiny and puffy decorations. Athanasia is just... unbelievable with all those girly and childish decorations.

Regardless of her obbesion with golds and child-look, she still have a mature taste. Is not like she's that childish to have all of these ruffles and pinky decorations. "This.... is really my room?" Athanasia asked Lily, who was with her at the time. "Yes? Is anything wrong with the decorations? I personally picked it for the princess!~"

Lily said in a sweet and caring voice, there's no ways that Athanasia will say that this isn't to her liking, she didn't want to sadden Lily. "A-ah, it's um, really is to my liking. It's so pretty!" Athanasia wear a forced smile and hugged Lily. She still needs to pleased and make everyone to love her, even the commoners and servants. So she will she have back-ups if she failed to make Claude wrap her hands. 


It was night, Lily left after convincing herself that Athanasia have fallen asleep, instead, she didn't. Athanasia opens her eyes after Lily left the room, look out to the moon. It beautiful cold gaze that soften Athanasia mind. She used to stared and talked with the moon whenever she felt down in her previous life. It was very nice for someone who didn't have a friend like Athanasia.

"Today's a long day... I'll for sure keep receiving attention like this in the future. Will I be able to keep my hatred for him? Can I even avenge... NO! Athanasia!!" She slap her cheeks till' she's bright awake. "Don't soften yourself!! You have to be cold and strong!" She puts her blanket back on and thinking about all possiblities.

A while later, when Athanasia is so sleepy, a dark, tall figure suddenly approach her bed, "Who are-, you...." Athanasia wanted to stand up, but her energy were drown out and sleepiness said hello to her. Half-asleep, but Athanasia still can see, that this isn't the woman from before, clearly not.

This body type couldn't possibly belongs to a woman. It'd fit a man better, ready to sleep, Athanasia closes her eyes, the man lays his hands on her, "I'll not let you die this time, Athy."


Author's note:

Anndddddd, the last chapter before time-skip \(●'◡'●)/ Next chapter gonna begin when Athanasia's 13, getting ready for her debutane~ I'm thinking that this story last chapters gonna prob be around chapter 20? Since I want to start a new one, completely the opposite from this(*°▽°*)

For all those who's wondering what Athanasia flower looks like, head to the start of the story! There's the picture of it! Find on Google for more informations~

But who's the man? Is he related to that unknown woman? Is this one of her plans? Or could that man be...Lucas?

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