Mum's Approval?

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When Luke left I just knew mum was gonna judge him. Mum soon called me downstairs for dinner and of course I was right.

"Why does he have blue hair? And are all of those piercings and tattoos necessary? Do the tattoos even mean anything? Or was he just bored?"

Ugh I knew she would judge him.

"And the ripped jeans. Doesn't he own any nice, unripped ones? You would think he would want to make a good impression on his first day. He just looks like a delinquent."

"Can you just stop?" I groaned and my mum just shot me a surprised look.

"Every time I bring someone home, as soon as they leave all you do is judge them."

"You didn't let me finish."

"Do I really wanna hear it?" I groaned.

"Yes, I think you do actually."

"What?" I said annoyed.

"I like him. He seems like a very sweet boy once you get past his outward appearance and I'd definitely rather you with him than Calum."

I couldn't believe my ears. She has never liked any of my friends or boyfriends.

My phone had begun to ring, it was most likely Luke. No one else ever called me.

"Go talk to him." She said as if she was reading my mind.

I got up and ran to my room. I missed his call and called back right away. I guess he was leaving me a voice mail or calling me again because it went straight to voice mail. I collapsed on my bed and laid staring at the ceiling when I got an alert that I had a voice mail. It was from Luke.

"Hey uh it's Luke. I guess you're uh busy. So uh I uh guess I'll talk to you tomorrow. Uh unless you call back." He sounded so nervous. It was so cute.

I called him back immediately.

"Hey Jaden!" He answered.

"Hey Luke."

"So did she judge me too?"

"Yeah. But it was weird. She likes you."

"You make it sound like that's bad." He said confused.

"It's just weird. She doesn't like anyone."

"So what did she say?"

"Well she doesn't like your piercing and tattoos or blue hair or ripped jeans."

"Oh.." He sounded so sad.

"But I think all that is hot. My mum is just really poshy."

"So what positive things did she say?"

"She said you seem really sweet and she'd much rather me be with you than Calum."

I could tell he was smiling at this point.

We were on the phone for hours. It was really late when his mum came in his room and started yelling at him.


"Yes mum. Jaden, I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

We said our good nights and I soon fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school as usual and headed to school. I got to class before Luke and waited for him. But he never showed. During class I texted him. No response. Maybe he just overslept. I went through all my dreaded classes as usual. The bullying was worst today. Still no sign of Luke at lunch. I decided to leave the cafeteria early. I really didn't feel like sitting all alone in the noisy lunch room. I got to my locker and found I was being followed. It was Calum of course. The principal let his suspension slip until after the big game. Ugh, I really hated how Principal Armstrong was his uncle. He got away with everything.

"I see Luke didn't have the balls to show up today."

"Oh piss off Calum!"

"Oh come on. Where's your new little boy toy?"

"I don't fucking know. And he's not my boy toy!"

God, he fucking pisses me off.

"Look Jaden I'm--"

I cut him off.

"Sorry. And it'll never happen again. Just give you one more chance?" I mocked him. I had heard this speech too many times.

"Please baby?"

"You can fucking forget it! Go find someone else to beat because I'm done with your shit Calum! I'm tired of trying to make up excuses for my bruises."

He was starting to get mad. He hated being told no.

"I want a guy who takes me out and treats me right and doesn't beat me and"

I could see his fist clench and I shut up out of fear.

"And what? Please go on." He said in an angry tone.

I put my spiral in my locker.

"I'm just gonna go." I closed my locker and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and jerked me back.

"No, you're not going anywhere."

"Calum let go!"

"No." He kissed me.

I pushed him away and he slammed me against the lockers. I shrieked in pain and fell to the floor. He hovered over me and punched me more. Leaving purple bruises everywhere. I soon had a bloody nose and I blacked out. When I woke up I was in a hospital. This makes the fifth time he has put me in the hospital. He broke my right leg, left foot, and three fingers. I definitely wouldn't be walking for a while.

My mum was sitting in the corner crying.

"Jaden! You're finally awake!"

I guess I had been out for a while. I had a killer headache.

"How long was I out?"

"3 weeks."

Wow. So he didn't just knock me out, he put me in a coma. I checked my phone and there was still no response from Luke.

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