What Are You So Nervous About?

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It has been a few weeks since Luke first took me out. It had been so amazing. He was so sweet. Such a perfect gentleman and he's not at all the bad boy that everyone thinks he is. He had taken me out on a few more dates and they were all just as romantic as the first one. Today Luke was bringing me to meet his family. We had been, I guess you would call it dating for about 4 weeks, he was at my house almost everyday but I still hadn't met any of his family so I was pretty nervous and really wanted them to like me.

There was a knock at the door, I assumed it was Luke.

"Come in!" I yelled as I finished getting ready.

About a minute or two later I saw his reflection appear in the mirror.

"Are you ready?"

"Almost." I said as I finished fixing my hair.

"Don't worry, they'll love you. There's no need to be so nervous." He said while smiling.

"I don't know if you've noticed but I don't exactly make a good first impression." I said nervously.

"You'll be fine. They're all really excited to meet you."

"Really?" I asked kind of shocked.


"W-well, I guess we should get going." I said.

We walked out to his car and drove to his house.

It was a lot bigger than mine. It was two stories high and really nice.
He got out quickly and walked around to open my door as usual and then led me into the house.

"Hello?" Luke called out and it echoed.

This house was huge.

"I guess they're all in the backyard." He said walking through the house. I followed him as he walked into the backyard.

His brothers were throwing a football back and forth and his mum was helping his dad barbeque.

"Hey guys." Luke said.

Everyone stopped and walked over to us.

"Everyone this is Jaden." Luke said smiling big. "Jaden, this is my mum, Liz. My dad, Andy. And my brothers, Jack and Ben." He said as he pointed to each of them.

"Hello." I said nervously.

His brothers and dad shook my hand and his mum hugged me.

"It's so great to finally meet the girl that Luke won't shut up about." Liz said.

"Muuum!" Luke shouted and blushed.

I figured he had talked to his family before he came to get me and reminded them a million times not to embarrass him.

"Niiiice." I heard Ben whisper.

I figured he tried to do it where I wouldn't hear.

"It'll be just a few more minutes and the food will be ready." Andy said.

Liz finished helping him and Ben and Jack went inside to wash up. Luke and I walked and sat on a bench by the back door.

"See? I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Luke said.

"So you talk about me?" I asked smiling.

I figured he had mentioned me a couple times to his family but according to his mum he wouldn't shut up about me.

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" He said smiling and I blushed.

He just smiled at me as I stared into his eyes. Our faces inched closer and closer together. We were about to kiss when--

"Food's ready!" Andy shouted and Jack and Ben came running out of the door.

"So you hungry?" Luke asked.


We got up and fixed our plates and then joined everyone at the table on the patio.

We all made small talk while we ate. Then I helped Liz clean up and put the left overs in the fridge as the boys set up some games.

"It's really nice to finally meet you, Jaden. Luke has told us so much about you." Liz said.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yes. He never shuts up about you. I've honestly never seen him like this."

I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey the games are ready." Luke said chirpily.

We put the last of the left overs into the fridge and then walked into the living room and joined the guys on the couch.

First we played a friendly game of Uno. Friendly? Yeah, right! Uno turns everyone against each other. Jack won.

Next we played Monopoly. Another game to create enemies. Liz won. The fact that she's a math teacher probably helps with it.

I always forget how long it takes to finish a game of Monopoly. It had begun to get somewhat late and Liz and Andy left to start getting ready for bed.

We started to play twister. Ben was being a buzzkill and didn't want to play so we made him the spinner and Jack went first.

"Right hand blue."

Jack crouched down and put his right hand on blue.

Next was Luke.

"Left foot yellow."

Luke stood with his right foot on yellow.

"Luke that's your right foot idiot." Ben laughed.

Luke blushed and then replaced his right foot with his left foot. Then it was my turn.

"Right hand green."

I crouched down and put my right hand on green.

It went on like that for a while until we were all kind of tangled. It was my turn again.

"Right hand red."

I tried my best to reach a red circle. I slipped and landed right on top of Luke and Jack. We all bursted out laughing. Jack got up and then Luke helped me up.

"Careful Luke, she's falling for you." Jack joked and I could just tell my cheeks were super red, I looked at Luke and he was super red too.

"Oh shut up Jack." Luke said.

Luke then pulled out his phone and none of us had realized how late it was.

"I should probably get you home soon. Your mum is probably worried." Luke said.

"It was nice meeting you guys." I said to Ben and Jack.

"See you later Jaden." They said unanimously.

Luke drove me back to my house and walked me to my door as usual.

"I had lots of fun. Your family is really cool Luke."

"They really seemed to really like you." He smiled.

"I was so nervous."

"Yes, I know." He laughed.

"Was it obvious?"

"I think it was just to me because I knew. But I told you there was nothing to be nervous about."

"Yeah, you were right Luke."


"Yeah Luke?"

"I have something to ask you."

"What is it Luke?"

"So we have been dating for a while, and you really like me and I really like you. Or at least it seems like you really like me."

"Luke where are you going with this?"

"Jaden, would you be my girlfriend?

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