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"Excuse...me?" Selena's plump lips parted, and a noise of confusion couldn't help escaping. I was so pleased that I had subconsciously let out a light chuckle, instantly drawing out a plethora of gasps. I could feel fervent stares digging into my back, like a violent whip; it slashed at me.

"Oh, nothing. It's been so long that I felt like I had to welcome you. I can set our differences aside for this special occasion," I chuckled. I didn't mean to jab at her, or so it may seem to other people. I was...extremely satisfied. The most turbulent feeling I had ever experienced. It was so new I had to make sure I was still alive — placing my shaky hand directly over my left breast. How on earth was I still alive after experiencing such pleasure? I didn't deserve this ephemeral joviality.

An arm was draped over my shoulder, and I felt a heavy weight pressing me down. There was a low, drawn-out chuckle next to my ear. "Ah! It must be because I, too, haven't seen you in such a long time you've become even more beautiful than before!"

Selena's soft, and pretty features scrunched up tangibly and imperceptibly at Domaine's remark. There was a scowl full of animosity plastered on her beautiful face. "...I am a male. I do not revel in being called beautiful."

"Ah, I know, I know," Domaine laughed heartily, and pulled at my cheek, stretching it to its very limits and as usual, I could only allow the harassment to happen. "But...Yugo seems so happy to see you. It's odd, really. Just not along ago, he looked annoyed by your presence. I guess time really does change people.

Now, that was a jab at both parties — Selena and I. Why? All of a sudden, my big brother turned hostile. I bowed my head as netiquette, obscuring my narrowed eyes from sight. "I apologize for my seeming unseemingless. Please, allow me to guide you to your seat, Kai."

            As I pushed Domaine's arm off my shoulder in a fluid yet gentle manner, subsequently, I clasped Selena's hand in mine. As expected from a female, her soft and slender hand was in complete contrast against my own rugged, calloused ones, like we were from different planets. I held her palm emanate heat against my own icy cold ones. Unexpectedly, my eyes grow more spiteful that I almost had a hard time concealing the animosity, and hatred. I placed her down on the table just right of mine, where Domaine was previously sitting to be a hindrance to me.

"Why are we sitting together?" Selena blurted our a random question. I stared back at her with questionable eyes. Either she was a terrible, terrible liar, or she was trying to purposefully give herself away, but since I wasn't Yugo, I was willing to let it slide under my radar.

"Our names are similar," My eyes curved into the shape of crescent moons. "I'm Kai Margaret—" I introduced myself in case her brother didn't tell her, "—so the teachers just seated us beside each other, even though we were obviously in war back then. You kept pestering me during class as well."

I decided to let her in on more details. I wondered why Kai hadn't told her anything about me. Perhaps, he was embarrassed his black history would catch up to him? Typical brothers. I seated myself down on my own seat, and for a split second, my eyes wandered to Domaine, who was still standing at the front of the class, and staring incredulously at our close fingers.

"...I was?" There was a look of disbelief in her eyes, which I also decided to ignore. And I began to guide her, like a mother lioness to her cub. "You have your key, right? Insert it in the locker below your table. Today's first period is Business, so you'll have to take out the thick, yellow textbook."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Domaine's voice wasn't so distant anymore. I felt him shift his weight onto me again, and his sharp chin literally drilled into the top of my head, causing me to fear whether I'd really die like that. "You two...you're acting like besties that haven't seen each other in years! And why are you guiding Kai? It's not like anything has changed since he took a hiatus from school! This isn't like you. Is it raining cats and dogs outside right now? Or are you picking favorites now?"

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