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okay, so before I start this. I am VERY VERY. strongly against JK Rowling, I disagree with all of her views as someone who falls under the trans category I just fucking hate it, it's disgusting. I am going to continue this book but under no. circumstances do I support JK. 


          I awoke quickly looking around in a panicked daze, the dream had seemed so real. but he wasn't here, it wasn't real. he's dead. he's dead. there was nothing I could do about it. I needed to stop this, get a hold of myself. 

         I had spent twelve years rotting in that pathetic excuse of a cell. No light, the pathetic slop they called food once a week, every last drop shoved down my throat. that was the worst part. when you think of the people in Azkaban sure most of them are fucking psycos but you know who is even worse? the dementors and occasional check in from him. that fucking tall man in the suit. what was his job? to keep us alive, oh right so moral so perfect no, you know why they wanted to keep us alive? just to draw out the pain the agony that much longer. So once a week he did his rounds, the occasional kick to the face or gut, treated like some dehumanized pathetic little shit.  

          I sat up with a groan and shook Sirius by the shoulder 

          "Get up." I hissed. he just flipped me off sleepily, "we need to go." He whined and sat up, his eyes were grey and dull like life had been drained out of them. Sirius took Azkaban worse than me because he was so happy before, he actually had a life worth living. I didn't, I had lost everything, my sanity, the love of my life, my brother, my will to live has been long long gone. 

        We both stood and walked in silence down the unfamiliar road of England, the street light flickering overhead. Sirius grabbed me by the arm pulling me behind a bush and quickly changing over into his aniamagus. I copied his motions albeit confused slightly. then I saw him, a young boy around thirteen, drowning in his clothes. round glasses almost falling off the edge of his nose. shaggy black hair and green piercing eyes just like, just like his. I went to step out to him but Sirius jumped out in front of me in my path making the boy look over quite startled. He looked away briefly and in that second, we were gone.


          "why would you do that!" I shouted at sirius, the sound echoing through the abandoned Potter mansion. 

          "he cant know. not yet. think with your head Y/n! if he saw us he'll report us to the aurors" he hissed getting closer. There were tears in my eyes and he stepped back as he noticed. "are you... are you c-crying?" 

          "he looked so much like h-him, like james" I sniffled looking down, my voice barely over a whisper. He frowned as we sat in the lonesome silence. Without a word he got up and walked out leaving me alone to cry. 


I woke the next morning on the couch my neck stinging with pain. I sat up hissing and rolling my neck around. 

        "Sirius!?" I got no reply, I stood and wandered through the dust invaded house, peeking my head in musty rooms but could find no trace of my friend. Until I came across the top floor, the last door on the left, my old room. I walked in and there is was, everything in its place. only one difference, there was no dust. and the whole room smelled strongly of cologne. I stood in the doorway appalled, noticing a yellow note on the desk. I picked it up and looked at it. Sirius. 

          Y/n/n, I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you but I had to go. I've got to find Harry, I have to see him.

          In the meantime you'll be staying here, and don't try to leave I've cast a spell to stop you from leaving the premises. 

          "Bitch wut-" 

          I cant have you getting hurt again, I'll return soon. 

         Love, Padfoot. 

        I growled and slammed my fist down but then whimpered in pain, I haven't eaten in a week. I needed food. then one hell of a drink. 


okay okay! hi I know I know its been what one two... five months... don't patrionize me! I know this chapter was short I just kinda wanted to get it going, yk yk get the vibes flowing I'm gonna start uploading more regularly again I promise this time okay. I love you all, drink water, eat food, take your meds if you need to and stay safe. 

if you don't I'll find. and I will. make you. 

anyways byeeeeee ☺

𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 ~ Sequel to 'I don't love you' Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now