Some Info before the Start

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Soo um i had this Idea for the Au now for a pretty long time.
Basically i created a Child Character for the Story since none of the Children from Despair Girls were a fit for the Role i had in mind xD Its a Komahina Au that intends to fill  the missing part from the part on when hinata and his class were on the way back to Jabbawock Island.
So far i only played the first and second game, as well as the Anime part 3 and despair girls so there might be some things different. But since its an Au it probably doesnt matter xD Its mainly intentended to have angst,drama,action and fluff but there might be some action (if you know what i mean ;D) if the plot allows it.
But i will mark those chapters with warning and foreshadow them in the chapter before in case they do happen so that you can skip these if you dont wanna read it but still dont wanna miss anything important of the story xD

Im still a beginner at writing in English since im only experienced at writing in German but i promise i try my best! If however, there are things that could be  better or are good, i would be very happy for some feedback since i really want to get better at writing!

Danganronpa : Child of Oblivion [Komahina Parents? AU]Where stories live. Discover now