The Request

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(Upper art made by me)

Makoto was standing before the leftovers of a destroyed building and looked at the dark magenta haired little girl.
The girl who was rumored to live in this part of the city and also the very same girl whose mother was the cause of the most tragic event in history.
After She was done looking at the dark clouded sky, she jumped off the ruins and made a perfectly balanced landing on the ground. Makoto was clearly cautious of the situation. Who could blame him? After all those months of searching she practically wanted to get herself captured, so how could this not create distrust?
"So uh, since you agreed to come with us right off the bat, should we get going...? What is your name by the way?" ,he said quite nervously but still in a typically nice way. But the girl stood still, not showing any sign of movement. "I dont have a Name.",she said while her face screamed practically the word emotionless. This was accompanied by her hands rubbing her upper arms in discomfort "But before i go with you i have to make one thing clear. Otherwise i wont come with you." Makoto tilted his head questioningly. "Sure, what is it?"
The little girl bit her lip. "I want Future Foundation to kill someone."


"Komaeda are you for real? You want to look after her?" ,Hinata asked. It happened not very often that Nagito would accept just anyone. Especially if it meant looking after someone since he kept everyone at a distance.
Nagito turned back to smile at the group and shook calmly his head. "Dont worry, im sure you will be a splendid father!"
It took a few  Moments to realize what he said. "WHAT? Dont just decide that i will take care of her! I have not even accepted, so dont drag me into your own decision!"
Hinata was at loss of words. He didnt know what to say anymore but fortunately The Ultimate Roleplayer also objected to this.
"I agree. Im not here to get a family. Heck, i dont even want one. I just want my goal to be fullfilled so stop forcing your will onto others.", her tone was quite Cheeky while she crossed her arms.

Komaeda lifted his Hands in defense and laughed awkwardly. "Haha. Thats right, Trash like me should not interefere!" Then he liftet his index finger up to his lips. "Still, this is quite unfortunate. I was really hoping that Hope would shine. I must say that im disappointed."

Makoto bowed very deeply. "Please think over this again! You guys are right now the only ones who can do it, i beg you!"

"Who said it is decided that we decline the request?" Fuyuhiko began to grin and took a few steps foward,while Peko continued to stay behind him.
"I mean not everyone gave their opinion right?"
Makoto smiled hopefully.

"When i was distancing myself from erveryone and then decided to overcome this, i realized something.
Our teamwork is strong and when she has nowhere else to go, its the best if everyone looks after her. Not just Hajime. I bet there are some people like maybe Mikan or Mahiru that can take good care of her for the time being."
Peko was smilling to herself when she was listening to Fuyuhiko.
"You really changed. Even though it was hard, im happy that the new world Program was there and that i can be here to witness this change. Thank you."
As answer to this Statement, Fuyuhiko turned bright red. "D-dont say exaggerated embarassing stuff like that! Everyone changed, not just me!"
Fuyuhikos face was now turned to the ground and he refused to look up.
Makoto who watched this scene began to laugh. "Im very happy you said it though, thank you very much Fuyuhiko!"
He then turned to the whole group. "Soo what do you all think?"
He looked especially at Hinata who scratched the back of his head in discomfort.
"If im not the only one, i think i can agree to it. After all i dont think that im a good role model..."

Now Byakuya began to speak after a long silence.
"Well, now that this Problem is solved. We must apologize ourselves. We'll leave some Members here but like it was said before, our time's almost up. We need to continue our research. Right now Kyoko leads it all by herself."

Nagito began to sigh and took Makotos hands in his. At the same time his eyes were locked with Makotos and he gazed deeply into them. "Already? I was hoping  you could stay at least a little bit more in our company." His grib got a little bit tighter. "You are the Ultimate Hope and Lucky Student after all and-"

"Well, whatever please dont disturb him."
Slightly annoyed, Hinata took Nagito by the Hood of his Jacket and dragged him away from Makoto. Not noticing the undertone he had in his voice.
"Haha, my enthusiasm took over me again im sorry Hinata. "
Nagito smiled apologetically at him but Hinata only quickly averted his eyes and scratched his cheek. "Yeah i can see that."

The Ultimate Roleplayer began to look at them in disbelieve. "Wow you guys surely are a bunch of weirdos but well, it doesnt concern me." She shrugged her shoulders again and went over from Makoto's and Byakuya's side to Hinata's and his Group.

"We will get going now. But we will stay i contact in case of emergency."  Byakuya crossed his arms while Makoto waved to the group in the very same moment when they turned to leave the room for their flight.
"Goodbye everyone! When we know something new we will definetly come in contact!"

"Sure, Goodbye!",said everyone asynchronously and waved in their direction until they disappeared.
"Whats your Name by the way, little girl? Im Nagito Komaeda." ,Nagito kneeled down to her and smiled softly like he always did, but the dark magenta haired girl only crossed her arms and looked away. "I don't have one."
"Uhm, excuse me?", Hinata thought at first he heard something wrong.
"It is just like i said."
Nagito clapped amazed with both of his Hands. "Amazing! That means we can choose a Name with an equal amount of hope as the potential you have!" Excited, Nagito touched his cheeks with his Hands.
"Wow you really are... special. I guess." A bit taken aback the lil' Ultimate stared at the white haired man and desperately tried to analyze his thought process. But like most of people she kinda failed.
"Dont mind him. You will get used to it." ,Hinata began to sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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