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"Future Foundation is willing to visit us in the name of Hope. How wonderful it is!" The Hope fanatic began to swoon with sparkles and such while he followed Hinata together with Fuyuhiko and Peko to the military Base. The Mafia Boss though could only frown by Nagitos oh so typical reaction. "Hope is the one thing you cant have enough of, huh?"

Nagito only nodded. "That is right! Hope is the absolute pure and since Future Foundation wants to talk to us in person i am sure that you will have a big burden of despair to overcome! This will be only another Step to see the Ultimate Hope become to fruition! How could i not get excited?" Both Fuyuhiko and Hinata sighted.

"Well, you sure are the only one who gets so excited about another obstacle in our way. The way they talked the last time didnt sound good. We need to be prepared." ,Hinata mumbled hearable enough for everyone around him.
Fuyuhiko nodded in agreement.
"You're right. We dont need any unnecessary losses. Lets get this over with as soon as possible."

Finally arriving in front of the military base, Hinata couldnt help but gulp nervously in the same moment he placed his hand on the door. Only Peko was calm and attentive while Nagito seemed still oddly at peace with this whole Situation. Heck Hinata could even swear there were flowers spreading around his head,thats how positive he was!
Well, as long he was happy and didnt plan anything, Hinata was fine with it. After all it lifted the mood in a weird way.

They opened the door and not long after, Future Foundation came into sight.
Before them were Makoto Naegi and Byakuya Togami along with a bunch of men in black suits. The men were gathering around something and forming a circle, While Byakuya in the very same Moment seemed to notice those four.
"Ah you are here, finally. Took you long enough." The Affluent Progency had a provoking tone in his voice and before Fuyuhiko could counter something to the man, Makoto scolded him. "Byakuya, theres no need to be so strict! Its understandable that they react this way considering what they've been through."
But Byakuya only shoved his glasses back into place. "It doesnt matter if this is true or not. It is a scheduled Meeting and coming late shows unprofessionalism. It is simply not acceptable."
Their bickering went back and forth, so that the Group could only watch what was happening before them.
"Uhh, im sorry??",Hinata shouted in a quite confused manner.
"Good to see they havent Changed." A grin graced Fuyuhiko lips but at the very same moment a scream that dragged everyone out of this somewhat peaceful atmosphere, was clearly hearable.

But Byakyua in response only sounded annoyed. "Ugh,There she goes again."

"How dare you touching me like this?! For real, i capitulate by myself and this is what i get? I swear if i had my own Piggimon you all would be sent to hell!"
But the men did not stop and a grin was now placed on her lips.
"Hah, it seems that i have no choice." The seemingly grade-school-old girl grabbed something out of nowhere and began to scream.
"Piggivolve!",She continues and struck it with such a epic force in the air that regardless of any credibility, everyone in the room thought for at least one second something really was about to happen.
Sadly it did not.
"Tch, at least my bluff caught everyone a bit of guard." ,frustrated as she was, she balled her hand into a fist.

The four were speechless. They were expecting literally everything but not... this.
"What the Fuck is happening..?" Fuyuhiko barely managed to bring out a sentence while Peko was still distrusting of this whole situation, so she grabbed her sword in case of emergency.
Hinata just continued stand there like the other three but Nagito laughed in amusenent. "Such an Energy! Its quite amusing. She has very much potential. Please allow me to be the next stepping stone-"
As if Hinata could sense what Nagito was about to say even before he really started the sentence, he hitted him on the head to cut him off.
"Komaeda, this is a Child in front of us, so stop." ,he sighted.
"Oh you missunderstood me Hinata! I would'nt do this since we are no longer in a situation that would force such measures. I only want to do everything that raises her Hope, just like want to raise yours!" Komaeda smiled while he was looking softly at Hinata.

"T-that may be true- but still." Not knowing what to counter, Hinata coughed and looked back to Scene before them.

The little Girl went now to Makoto. "Could i ask what we are doing here? I thought our goals were kind of the same so why am i on this island? To get wjat i want was the only reason i let myself captured, in case you have'nt forgotten." She layed her hands hands on her hips in protest while Hinata observed her behaviour from the beginning up until now. And while doing so, one crucial thing came to his mind.
This girl is oddly... mentally grown up for a girl in her age. That was definetly is not normal. It needed to have something to do with why Future Foundation came by today. But since he didnt know the circumstances in detail he could only guess.

Byakuya began to smile and answered the question in Makotos stead.
"Good that you ask, i will come to the point right away since we can't stay all day here."
And so Byakuya began to cough, to gain everyones attention.

"You see, this little girl is someone called the lil Ultimate Roleplayer. But due to the things we heard around the area where we found her and how we could capture her, we need to investigate her abilities and intentions. Thats why we brought her to Jabbawock Island and since you Hinata are now the leader of the Group. We ask you to take care of her. Of course, We'll leave doctors and other men here to help you out in case of emergency."

Well now if that does'nt sound reassuring.

Makoto looked at the Ultimate Roleplayer. "Is this okay with you? Im sorry we did'nt tell you anything of this sooner."

But the girl only shrugged her shoulders. "Well, considering what i asked i can understand the skepticism. Also, if i would rebell now, i would be done for. Im not that dumb,you know?"
Still looking very apologetic, Makoto looked over at Hinata. " How about you? Would you please do this? Its very urgent."

Hinata only looked at them in disbelief. Why could'nt they have asked this sooner? Right now it all seemed like it was a bit too much to handle.
"I- I dont know! I have no idea on how to take care of Children. And as far as i can remember i have'nt had a little sister eith-"

"We do it." Came it out of nowhere and interrupted the sentence.
Nagito stood a few steps in front of him now.
"Huh?" ,Hinata was speechless.

"I apologize. Trash like me should have no right to interfere in the discussion and force my mindset onto you all but im confident that our group can overcome this obstacle and create an even bigger hope! I just know it." ,Nagito said in a very poetic and positive way. Almost too positive if you asked Hinata considering the circumstances.

Danganronpa : Child of Oblivion [Komahina Parents? AU]Where stories live. Discover now