Dancing Little Devil

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Lena Luthor loved the sound of silence. She loved hearing nothing but the thoughts in her head. She was the sort of woman that didn't mind staying in and burying herself in a world of books. She genuinely liked the quiet, the peace, the escape that came from the silence. Lena Luthor considered herself a loner. For the most part.

The only person who ever managed to pull her out of her reclusion was her best friend Sam.

Sam was the one who pushed her out of her comfort zone and hermit ways. Back in high school, before they graduated, she was the one who convinced Lena to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer. She was the one who persuaded Lena to move to New York City. Which obviously was no small feat, considering how much Lena despised loud noises and social scenes.

Lena now lived in one of the noisiest cities in the world, and somehow, she adored it. She loved the hustle and bustle of the city. She loved how, despite the population, she could still feel alone, because everyone kept to themselves and minded their business. Well, it wasn't so much minding their business as the fact that everyone always had something to do. When she walked down the streets, not so much as a single glance made it her way.

Lena loved the sleeplessness of the city. The way the lights shined in Times Square, making it seem like it was always daytime. She loved that she could go to a coffee shop at three AM, or grab some street food whenever she got hungry.

Lena loved New York City.

She'd been living there for nearly two years. And her photography career was taking off. She'd already taken photos for Vogue and Cosmo, and many celebrities hired her for personal shoots. Personal shoots which oftentimes lead to hookups.

Lena was famously and notoriously known as a ladies man. She was charming and could have any girl eating from her palms. Part of her allure was the fact that she knew how to treat the women she slept with. She made them feel loved and worshipped, truly, even if just for a night.

So it was really no surprise at all that Lena was now walking into one of the most famous strip clubs in the city—Moonlight.

Moonlight was well known for its high class patrons. Everybody who was anybody of importance frequented the place. It was a classy joint. You had to make a reservation ahead of time, and the manager had to approve before your name went on the list. It was a precaution since so many celebrities attended regularly.

Sam had been telling Lena about this place for months. Lena hadn't really needed the escape since she was always busy either with work or a one night stand. But today was just one of those days. One of Lena's photo shoots dragged on longer than expected and the subject was a fucking bitch. It was a rare occurrence when Lena didn't get to go home with the person she was photographing.

Lena's last name was enough to get her a last minute reservation.

You see, Lena wasn't just a photographer. She was also heir to the Luthor dynasty. The Luthor's were the richest family in the west coast. They owned tech companies in every major city in the U.S and a vineyard in Napa.

"Welcome to Moonlight, ma'am. My name is Nia and I am your host tonight. Do you have a reservation?"

Nia was a brunette with dark brown eyes, nearly black, she was tall and thin and totally Lena's type. Well, granted, Lena's type was anything tall and beautiful and with a pussy...

"I do. I made a last minute reservation. It's under Lena Luthor."

The girl's eyes widened and she swallowed hard, suddenly becoming nervous.

"Ms. Luthor. Of course. Right this way, follow me." Nia guided Lena to a vip booth.

The place was elegant, almost regal, Lena had to admit. The walls were a deep shimmering blue, making it seem like a star-filled night sky. Gold chandeliers hung from the ceiling throughout the club, the lighting was low and golden like the sun settling down for the evening. The stage stood in the middle, it was the same dark shade of blue as the walls but with a coat of gloss.

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