Photograph Me

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Kara Danvers.

Lena's thumb hovered over the name in her phone.

It was almost noon. Lena hadn't called Kara earlier, because she imagined the blonde goddess needed the rest after late nights at work.

Okay. Maybe that was half the truth she was telling herself.

The other half was that she was really nervous. Like, really nervous.

It was such an uncharacteristic feeling.

Women didn't make Lena Luthor nervous. Lena Luthor made women nervous. That was how it had always been.

But Kara Danvers had to crash land into her heart with her cute smirk and poppy eyes.


Damn a certain dancing little devil.

Okay, don't damn her at all. That was the last thing Lena wanted. In fact, what Lena wanted was the opposite: to worship Kara Danvers in all of her dreamlike glory.

Lena took a deep breath and hit the name on the screen before she could chicken out.

It rang and rang for what seemed like an eternity.

And then a sleepy Kara picked up with a soft "hello."

"Kara! I'm so sorry to wake you. I didn't think you'd still be sleeping. I can call back," Lena said.

"No, Lena. It's fine. I usually wake up early, it's just... I couldn't sleep last night."

"Is everything okay?"

The line went silent for much too long.


"I'm here. Sorry... I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I mean, about dinner. I was too excited to sleep. Oh gosh, I'm such a dork."

Lena smiled and bit her lip.

"Well, if it's any consolation... I'm excited too. And you already know I can't stop thinking about you. That's nothing new."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're really smooth?"

"I do get that from time to time," Lena said playfully.

Since when was Lena playful?

"Ha. I bet you do," Kara said.

Lena had the odd feeling that her response bothered Kara, from the tone of her voice, she sounded annoyed.

But Lena didn't comment.

"I made a reservation at The River Café. Have you been there?" Lena said.

"I can't say I have. But I'll google the address and meet you there."

"Let me pick you up."

Kara didn't respond.

"Please," Lena quickly added.

After a few seconds, Kara finally responded.

"I'll text you my address. By what time should I be ready?"

Lena smirked.

She always got what she wanted.

"I'll pick you up at seven."

Lena said her goodbyes to Kara and headed to the gym.

When she got back, she showered and spent the rest of the afternoon editing photos in her office.

While she was editing, she thought about Kara. She pictured herself bringing Kara over to her penthouse, photographing her magnificent body, finding all the little imperfections that made her human. That's what Lena loved about photography; the capturing of details. And the human body was the perfect subject to capture in detail.

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