Epilogue: part one

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Kara's POV:

Lena knelt before Kara. "Ask for anything and I will give it to you."

Seeing Lena on her knees was haunting, a god submitting before her—the roles reversed.

Kara wanted to tell her to get up, but the rush between her thighs told her to take this woman and make her feel all the things she's made Kara feel when it's Kara that's on her knees.

This last week and a half had been hell for Kara, to say the least. Kara had missed Lena terribly. She had regretted leaving Lena's room the moment she walked out the door. But she had expected Lena to follow. And when Lena didn't, Kara felt like her heart had been ripped out. All she could think about was getting Lena back. She didn't care whose fault it was, she didn't care about the stupid fight. She was more than willing to forgive Lena. To submit to her completely, in and out of bed.

But her sister slapped some sense into her. Alex made her face reality. Kara didn't do anything wrong. This was on Lena. Lena fucked up, not her. And Kara needed to stand her ground and set some boundaries. That was something Kara struggled with. She was no pushover, but she had a hard time sticking up for herself. Kara was an insecure little girl deep down, and that made her an easy target to take advantage of. Even if it didn't look like that on the outside.

Kara tried to be fierce. She tried to be independent. But the truth was, her independence stemmed from a place of caution. Kara wasn't as independent as everyone thought. It was more like: she was too afraid to get hurt, so she preferred to be alone.

Kara had been single for so long, she just ran with it. And in no time she actually started to believe that she didn't need anybody, that she was her own woman, she was good on her own.

But then a God of a woman sat at a booth looking up at her and making her feel the most alive she'd ever felt on the Moonlight stage.

And Kara tried, oh how she tried, to stay away. Still, it was more impossible than she could have ever imagined.

Lena was as inevitable as the sunset, and just as beautiful.

"I want to taste you," Kara said. She looked at the queening chair in the corner of the dungeon and bit her lip.

Lena's eyes were glazed over with lust, she stared at Kara with a hunger more profound than ever. Kara knew what the brunette wanted. She wanted to take charge. Yet there she was, on her knees and looking like an exquisite work of art, completely bare, not showing any signs of getting up.

Lena was waiting for Kara to give her orders.

Kara walked over to Lena. She bent down and cupped Lena's face and kissed her. She kissed her sloppily and desperately. When their lips parted Kara brought their foreheads together and they remained like that for a minute, chests rising and falling.

"Get off your knees, Lena," Kara said as she stood up straight.

Lena stood up immediately.

Kara walked over to the queening chair and adjusted the head hammock. She sat down on the floor. She looked at Lena. "I want you to fuck my face, pretty girl." Kara smirked devilishly and leaned all the way back until her head fell into place on the hammock.

Lena let out a sweet little moan and walked over to the chair. "Fuck, Kara..." She positioned herself with her legs spread over the chair, waiting for Kara's signal to sit down.

"Sit, Lena." Kara would have been ashamed of her impatience had she not been so aroused. The sight of Lena's pussy hovering over her face was disastrously tempting.

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