Epilogue: part two

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Lena sat in front of the stage watching Kara in awe. The blonde's movements were precise, perfect, each one telling a story. Kara danced on that stage and the world didn't matter. Lena couldn't take her eyes off her. She was enthralled.

This was the first time Lena got to witness Kara dancing outside of the club. Sure, Lena had seen Kara practicing this exact routine, but watching the final performance was something else entirely. Kara was a magnificent dancer. She moved on her pointe shoes gracefully and sensually, her eyes stuck to Lena's gaze the entire time. It was as if they were the only ones in that theatre. Just Kara dancing for Lena. An angel ripping the breath out of Lena's lungs with a performance so enticing it made Lena want to carry her off that stage, take her to the dungeon and tear that black leotard off.

Kara knew what she was doing to Lena. Every now and then, throughout the routine, Lena noticed a tiny smirk hidden behind Kara's concentrated features.

The little devil was being a tease. And Lena was giddy thinking about how this was the perfect excuse to punish her little troublemaker when they got home.

Lena pulled out her vintage Nikon F2 and began to shoot. She wanted to capture this moment forever. It reminded Lena of their first night in the dungeon.

That night felt like a lifetime ago.

And now here they were, months later, experiencing life together and learning something new about the other with each passing day. Even through the ups and downs, their bickering and disagreements—and oh boy there were a lot of those—Lena found herself falling more in love with Kara every second, every minute, every hour. Kara was such a bright star in Lena's life. There was never a dull moment with her. She was the most extraordinary person Lena had ever met.

The audience erupted into cheers, waking Lena from her reverie.

She stared up at Kara and the blonde smiled down at her. Lena began clapping along with the rest of the theatre crowd. She felt a wetness on her cheeks and when she touched her face she realized she'd been crying. These were tears of joy. Lena simply couldn't believe how lucky she was.

Lena headed backstage when the show was over. It was frantic. Everybody was moving about, cleaning up and clearing out the stage.

She was looking for Kara when someone tapped her shoulder.

"Are you lost, gorgeous?" Lena turned around to find a short blonde woman smirking at her.

"I'm looking for Kara. Kara Danvers," Lena said. She tried not to look too annoyed with the woman that was clearly trying to hit on her.

"Ah. Gotcha. All the dancers are down that hall"—the woman pointed to the hall on Lena's right—"last door on the left... I could take you if you want... just to make sure you don't get lost." There was that smirk again.

Does this woman think Lena's a moron? "That won't be necessary. I'm sure I can manage," said Lena.

"Oh I'm sure you can... to be honest, I was just using that as an excuse... I—uhm—wanted to ask you out." The woman smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck, her confident demeanor from seconds ago now faltering. "I think you're stunning."

Lena kept a calm composure, her face unreadable, even though she was annoyed. She hated being hit on. "I'm flattered, but I'm not interested," she said casually.

"Well..."—the woman pulled out a card and placed it inside the pocket of Lena's suit jacket—"here's my card in case you change your mind." She winked at Lena. "So how come you're looking for Kara? Is she your friend or something?"

"Girlfriend," a voice said.

Lena nearly got whiplash from turning her head so fast. Kara walked out of the hall and suddenly she was putting her arm around Lena possessively and kissing her cheek.

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