Home Was Lena Luthor

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Kara's POV:


Gosh, Kara couldn't stop thinking about her.

She had replayed the events of last night in her head over and over again, and every time she'd bite her lip and squeeze her thighs together in hopes that the fire between her legs would calm.

Posing for Lena naked in her sex dungeon had been a discovery, an epiphany of her deepest and darkest fantasies. She ached for Lena's touch. She found herself wanting to submit to the marvel of a woman. She wanted to be thoroughly fucked by Lena, taken anyway Lena desired.

It was like nothing she'd ever felt before.

Kara hadn't really considered herself a sexual person before. In her past relationships sex had just been about connection more than pleasure. The sex had been pretty vanilla, if you ask her. And the only times she'd ever come in her life was by her own hand, and also with that one girl she hooked up with in high school, which had been gratifying, she'll admit, but nothing earth-shattering. It was relief for a temporary itch, but eventually that itch always came back and the relief wouldn't last long.

Kara couldn't help but think that it would be different with Lena, a far cry from the mediocre sex she'd had in the past.

It was with those thoughts that Kara lay on her couch in the middle of the afternoon, her legs spread open for wandering fingers, and Lena's name on her breath like a wild wind.

She just couldn't stop herself from picturing Lena's perfect hands roaming her body, touching the most intimate parts of her. Kara pictured Lena bending her over the table, pressing and holding her neck down while her hands are tied behind her back. She pictured Lena thrusting into her from behind, fucking her so hard to the point where her legs give out.

"Lena! Fuck... oh, Lena! Yes! Yes! Right there... fuck!" Kara screamed out to an empty apartment. She had two fingers deep in her pussy while she rubbed her swollen clit tirelessly with her other hand. With each thrust, she imagined Lena's fingers inside her, filling her up wondrously.

Kara's breathing was labored and thick, her moans echoed throughout her living room. She was on the brink of release, getting close, so close. She curled her fingers, hitting that well known spot she knew would send her over the edge, and—oh fuck—that felt amazing. She felt the pressure, her walls tight around her fingers, and then a wonderfully violent wave of relief.

A slew of curses erupted from her mouth as she came, and she called out for Lena, the woman's name leaving her lips like some sacred secret whispered in the ether.

It was a sensationally intense experience. One she'd never had before, certainly not by her own hand. She almost couldn't believe it.

She waited for the heavy rise and fall of her chest to settle. When she finally relaxed, she stood up from the couch and blushed when she saw the size of the wet spot on it.

"Look what you do to me, Lena Luthor..." she whispered to herself with a smirk and lip between her teeth.

You know that saying, "speak of the devil..."?

Well, the devil appeared in the form of a phone call and she was no devil at all.

"Lena..." Kara picked up her phone and facepalmed herself for sounding like she'd just been caught stealing a cookie from the jar.

"Uh... hey, Kara. Sorry I'm just now calling. I didn't want to wake you... considering it's Sunday...." Lena sounded a bit off.

"Lena, is everything okay? You sound weird."

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