6-Blast From The Past

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Y/n and Lucas were walking around the mall while holding hands.
"What are we? Like are we a couple?"
Lucas brought Y/n's hand close to his face and kissed it.
"I realize I didn't even ask you the question if you'd be my girlfriend. So Y/n,will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/n grabbed Lucas's face and smiled at him.
"I will because I have realized you have cared for me so much over these past few months."
As Y/n and Lucas were walking they passed by a flower shop. Y/n stoped walking and looked at it as if something was calling her to go inside.
"Do you want to go inside?" asked Lucas
"Yes. I don't know why but my intuition is telling me to go inside."
They walked into the flower shop names Lee's Garden Secrets. The store had a glass ceiling with vines hanging down and other plants hanging as well. It smelled like incense and there were sounds of wind chimes and running water. The flowers were all scattered around and the store had a calming energy.
"Hi welcome to Lee's Garden Secrets! How may I help you?" said a voice from behind the counter
The individual who belonged to the voice was making a flower vase and his face was hidden.
The individual peaked their head around and made eye contact with Y/n. He studied her up and down and dropped the flower he was fixing on the ground. He hoped over the counter and hugged her.
"Y/n?! It's you?! You've changed so much! I haven't seen you since your graduation from Stanford!"
"Ahem..." coughed Lucas
"Oh right I don't think i've ever told you about him. Wong Yuhkei this is Lee Minjae, my childhood friend and old neighbor. Lee Minjae this is Wong Yuhkei also known as Lucas, my boyfriend."
"It's an nice to meet you Lucas. Don't worry about me ,I play for the other team."
"Oh I didn't think anything. I trust Y/n and you seem like a really nice guy."
"Oh I am but just so you know if you break her heart you will be sorry."
Even though Minjae was smaller than Lucas, Lucas actually seemed terrified of him.
Y/n looked at Minjae as he crossed his arms and spotted a ring on his finger. Minjae caught Y/n staring at his hand and smiled.
"If you're wondering about the ring, I recently got engaged."
"Really to who?" asked Y/n
"Do you remember Haruko?"
"Yes I do. The firmed who would tag along with us sometimes to school and the one you'd say by to before we walked home."
Minjae nodded his head as he smiled.


Y/n was around 14 years old and was at Minjae's house doing her homework. Minjae was staring outside his window when Y/n saw him fix himself quickly and run down the stairs. She followed him without him seeing and looked from the top of the stairs. Minjae opened up the door and waved outside.
"Hi Haruko!"
Y/n peeped her head more to see Haruko hop off his bike and place it at the front of Minjae's lawn.
"Hi Minjae! What's up?"
"N-nothing! I'm just here at home relaxing. How about you? Where are you off to?"
"I'm headed to my job at the grocery store right. I'll catch you later though. Text me sometime!"
"Okay I will! Bye!"
Minjae closed the door and slid down against the door as he put his hands on his face.
"You like him don't you?"
"H-hey! Where you eavesdropping?"
"Don't deny it!"
"Yeah but I don't think he likes me. He recently came out to me as bisexual and thinks of me as a support friend."
"I think you'd be cute together Minjae. What do you have to lose?"
Minjae smiled at Y/n's words


The bell rang and in walked a man around Lucas's height. He had dyed gray hair and glasses.
"Speak of the devil. Haruko you remember Y/n right?"
"Yes it's good to see you Y/n."
Haruko gave Y/n a hug.
"Haruko it's nice to see you too."
Y/n grabbed arm brought him closer to Haruko.
"Haruko this is my boyfriend Lucas."
"Oh it's nice to meet you. I feel like i've seen you somewhere."
Lucas looked fine on the outside but he was panicking internally.
"O-oh really? I just look like someone else probably."
Haruko scanned Lucas up and down and just shrugged it off as nothing.
Minjae and Haruko explained their love story and how they managed to finally confess to each other their summer after high school. Haruko worked as a fashion photographer and traveled a lot. Minjae owned the flower shop and Haruko does advertising for the shop as well. Minjae gave Y/n his number and told them that they should have a double date.
"It was nice seeing them i'm assuming?"
"Yes. I didn't realize how much I really missed Minjae after I moved back here. We lost contact after we both became busy with our lives. It's crazy how much has changed."
"Well it makes sense though. You are fortunate to have a friend who cares about you like him."
Y/n yawned as they continued to walk around.
"It's getting late. You seem tired."
"Really? I'm sorry I guess I was getting tired from all the walking we did today."
"Do you wanna go back to my place? I can get us a car to take us there since it's not that far from here."
"No no! I wouldn't want to intrude your home."
"Y/n relax you aren't being intrusive at all."
Y/n and Lucas took a car back to Lucas's home. Y/n was shocked when she saw the building that they were in front of.
"Come on."
Y/n followed behind Lucas as they entered through the lobby and went inside the elevator. Y/n felt so overwhelmed and confused she couldn't even say a word. They finally made it to the top floor and walked until they made it to lucas's penthouse. He unlocked the door and Y/n walked in with a shocked expression. Y/n walked around the penthouse and looked at the many paintings and pictures on the walls. One that caught her eye was a framed magazine cover written in cantonese and another one written in chinese. They both had Lucas posing on the front cover and it appeared that they interviews him as well.
"Hey Y/n-"
Lucas paused as he saw Y/n looking at the magazine covers. She looked at him and he sighed.
"I haven't been honest with you at all. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want our relationship to change and it's also the reason no one really knows a lot about me."
"What are you talking about Lucas?"
"My family is very well known in China. My grandparents were a famous movie director and actress. My Father was a model/actor and my mother is a world renowned fashion designer. I came here to escape them and the paparazzi as well. My father runs my mothers business and I was set to take over but, I knew I couldn't be capable of it. Its not something I even wanted to do so I wanted my younger brother to take over. So that's why i'm here now. I cant face my family because I let myself become a coward but, I cant stay here for too long because my whole entire life savings and everything will get taken away."
Lucas placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder and caressed her cheek with his other.
"I promise you i'm not hiding anything else. I just need you to trust me."
"Lucas why did you keep it from me this long?"
"I didn't want you to think of me as someone who was rich and entitled."
Before Lucas could say another word to Y/n, there was a knock on the door. Lucas and Y/n looked over at the door and walked over to it. Lucas opened the door and was shocked.

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