Chapter one: Yana

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I adjust the fit of my dark red chiton. I remember Mother telling me about a friend of hers who had said that blondes suit the cool colours and brunettes suit the hot colours but for some reason red still suits me. I'm unusual in that, I guess. That and everything else. 

When I was born the people of Astrea were horrified. They said they wouldn't trust someone who looks so much like one of them to run their country. Good thing Ampelio came first I guess. Mother has always loved him more. They have the same curly dark hair. Same lovely dark skin. Like coffee. I'm the opposite. My hair is dead straight and ice blonde. My skin is so pale I look like a ghost. I'm like my father, people say. So like him that his identity wasn't rumour, it was fact. Little do they know that me and Ampelio have the same father. The same Kalovaxian father.

"Are you ready Yana?" It's my brother in my doorway.

"Yes Ampelio, I'll just be a second!" I didn't mean to snap, I never do.

"Okay, okay just asking." His hands are up in mock surrender. His lovely dark hands.

"Why don't you go ahead, I'm sure no one wants to see the heir to Astrea held up by his little Kalovaxian sister." I clamp a hand over my mouth, eyes widening. I didn't mean to say it. What I was. The truth. "Hey," his expression softens, eyes brimming with concern,"you know they don't think that Yana." Maybe not about you golden boy. You're not the one whose still receiving hate-messages slid under your door, even though your Mother's the Queen. 

I sigh, "Ampelio you know they do, you've heard the rumours. People think that I'm secretly a Kalovaxian spy or some other rubbish." I turn away, "They just don't like me." He puts his arms around my shoulders, and I rest my head against his chest,

"They love their Princess Yana, you know it. I know they might have seemed a little hateful at first but Astrea has had an awful history with Kalovaxia, they're just scared." Oh how could I forget. They are always reminiscing about the great war against Kalovaxia. One story that everyone loves to retell is about the hero Blaise who sacrificed his life protecting the Queen in the final battle against the infamous Kaiserian. Wasn't that what every other soldier was doing back then? Fighting for Mother? She never likes to talk about the war. It hurts her too much, I think. Some say she was in love with Blaise and that Ampelio is actually his son. People prefer that version to the truth. "Come on then," I say, pulling out of the hug, "our people are waiting for us, my Prince." I tease, mock bowing.

"Shall we then, my Princess." He holds out his arm and we stride, heads held high down the hall with exaggerated grandeur before catching each other's eye and dissolving into giggles.

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