Epilogue: Ampelio

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10 years later...

"How are you feeling?" Matteo asks. I look over to my best man and shrug.  

"I'm excited, I think... nervous maybe? And sick, actually, oh Gods what am I-"

"Relax, Ampelio." Matteo smiles and put a hand on my shoulder, "Its going to be fine. And if it isn't, tradition dictates that the bride marries the best man which I am totally fine with-"

"Not a chance!" I shove him playfully and he clutches at his shoulder in exagerated pain,

"Betrayed by my best friend!" He cries and I laugh at him. I remember me and Yana teasing each other in the same way, I used to pull her plaits when we were younger... I wince at the memory. Matteo notes my sudden change in mood, "you alright?" I sigh, running a hand over my face. "Thinking about Yana?" he asks and I nod. Matteo smiles sadly at me, "I didn't know he very well, Princess Yana." he says quietly, "but she'd be happy for you, I know it." I force a smile, grateful for my friend. I find myself looking up, as I do sometimes in the evenings, as if I can see her in the After. I like to think she's looking down me and Mother, smiling with us, crying with us. Gods I miss her so much. Its been 10 years since she died. I refuse to call it suicide because she didn't kill herself.

Ophelia did.

Ophelia came to Mother about a week after Yana's death to explain what she and some of her friends did. How they bullied her, hurt her, told her to kill herself, pushed her till she-

I take a deep breath. Calm down.

Anyway, Ophelia told us everything and took the blame for Yana's death. "I did the worst of it," she said, kneeling before Mother, "I hurt her and I regret what I did, it was so, so horrible. So, yes... I killed her. And I'm sorry, though I know that means nothing. I will take whatever punishment you see fit, my Queen. I know that nothing will excuse my actions."

I think Mother wanted to kill her, I did. When Ophelia started to tell us she nearly set the girl on fire, but the punishment for murder is not death in Astrea. Instead she and her family were exiled to Lyria to start a new life but with supervision and restrictions. I didn't feel it was harsh enough. I have never been a violent sort of person but I wanted revenge. I wanted Ophelia to pay. "She has paid enough, Ampelio," Mother said when I brought it up, "can't you see what this has done to her. The knowledge that she is responsable for someones death. Sometimes that can be enough to breaks someone."

What scared me was the feeling that she knew she was talking about personally.

"Ampelio!" It was Matteo, tugging on my arm, "its starting, come on!" I follow him out and up the steps of the bandstand. I looked around and smiled. It was beautiful. The wedding was being held in the flower garden and we were surrounded by bunches of flower of every shade and colour. A cherry tree stood beside the dainty white bandstand, and blush pink blossoms fell like confetti around us. The salty scent of sea air mixed with the perfume of flowers.  It looked like something out of a fairy tale.

I took my place and looked out onto the rows of chairs set out for guests. Mother and Søren were together at the front, smiling. Things had changed since Yana died. For one, people were starting to allow queens and kings to marry leaving me free to marry the woman I love more than anything the world.

"Here she comes." Matteo whispers in my ear.

I turn my head and I fight to keep my jaw from dropping as I spot her.


She is utterly gorgeous.  Amiliy is dressed in a long flowing dress made of white silk. Tiny white blossoms are threaded though plaits in her hair, woven into a crown that rests on her head. As she moves, petals fall from her head, looking like snowflakes.  She glitters silver white like moonshine, walking down the aisle, skirts swishing around her ankles, coming closer to me with every step. Musics fills my ears as violins and harps and flutes come together to play for us. When she finally reaches to me I can't help myself, I press a kiss to her cheek and she smirks. "Couldn't help yourself, could you, my love?" I grin,

"Can you blame me?" I take my bride's hands in mine as the air guardian we chose to marry us clears her throat, "We are gathered here this day to celebrate the marriage of two honorable Astreans. Prince Ampelio Houzarah, heir to the throne of Astrea and Lady Amiliy Talevra." as the woman continues I stare into Amiliy's eyes. We say our vows, a promise that I intended to keep even if we didn't get married. The time comes to exchange wedding bands and I take the flame shape twist of gold and ruby, not fire gem, from the box Matteo holds out. Things work differently in Astrea. Instead of exchanging normal rings, we exchange bracelets. Because I am royalty, they both resemble flames but Amiliy's also has the Talevra crest. Amiliy's hands brush the sensitive skin of my wrist as she secures the band around my wrist with delicate fingers. I do the sme for her's and smile at her, she winks. We both know what comes next. "And now may you seal your marriage with a kiss." I cup her cheek with one of my hands, the other still entwined with hers. Her lips are warms against mine. She tastes of cherries and it drives me crazy. I feels her smirk against my lips. She knew that would happen. I never want to part lips with her, even as the crowd beside us erupts into applause and cheers of celebration. Amiliy reluctantly pulls away and smiles at me. She leans in close again and I shiver as I feel her breath on my skin. "Ampelio..." she murmmers and I barely contain a moan of pleasure. Gods she drives me crazy. "Yes?"

"I have something to tell you." She stares at me with serious eyes. I frown slightly,

"What is it Amiliy?" her lips break into a grin and one hand slips down to cover her stomach,

"I'm pregnant Ampelio." My jaw drops,


"Yes." I gasp. And then I grin, unable hold my excitement back,

"This is great! I'm so, so happy Amiliy." Her brow creases with worry and she bites her lip,

"Your sure?" I gather her into me, wrapping my arms around her, not caring that we are in public,

"I'm am more sure than anything else in the world, my love, other than my undying, endless love for you. We're having a baby, and there I was thinking this day couldn't get any better." I kiss her then, her hands snaking around my neck to pull me into her. I think of Yana then and ache for the child she will never see. But I know she would be happy for me. And that's enough.

 A/N -So what did you think? Are you happy Amiliy and Ampelio got together? Sorry if this ending is too cheesy but I couldn't help myself.

Please comment and vote if you enjoyed. This is the last chapter of this book I hope you enjoyed it!

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