Chapter three: Ampelio

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There's a light knock at my door and I turn to greet my visitor, "Hello?"

"My, Prince." Amiliy. She curtsies politely, and brushes a stand of hair out of her face as she rises, "I wanted to wish you farewell, Prince Ampelio. Perhaps a turn around the gardens?" I step out and smile at her, shutting the door behind me, "Thank you Lady Amiliy your too kind,but please, call me Ampelio." I offer her my arm and she takes it graciously, "Oh but, wouldn't that be seen as improper?" she asks. I shrug,

"I don't mind. That is, if you don't." Don't mess this up, don't mess this. Amiliy smiles, her lips parting perfectly revealing pearly white teeth, "I'd love to, Ampelio but," she lays her hand on mine and bats her perfect eyelashes, "only if you call me Amiliy." I'm momentarily caught speechless. By the gods how is she so beautiful? "O-of course, La- Amiliy." She laughs and I realise she's teasing me, eyes twinkling azure blue. "I must say, Ampelio'', she says,"I suddenly realised how much I'm going to miss you." We have wandered into a hedge maze, the edges blooming with flowering white hebes and bright red azaleas. I love the garden. It reminds me of how Mother, Yana and I used to come here on warm summer evenings and chase each other through the maze. Laughing and climbing trees. Amiliy turns to me now, taking both my hands in hers and I'm stunned by her beauty. She looks up at me with shy ocean eyes, "I don't wish to be too forward but..." she trails off nervous. Gently I curve a hand around her soft, coffee coloured cheek and tilt her face up to mine. We are mere inches apart and I have a sudden urge to touch her. To run my hands through her thick brown hair, to press my lips to her- "Amiliy." I say, my voice soft, "I shall miss you too, every hour of everyday." She smiles shyly,

"Really?" she asks. I match her smile,

"Truly." And then I'm kissing her. I don't know who moved or when or how but we're kissing and I love it. Her lips on mine, my lips on hers. I pull away suddenly and her eyelids flutter open. For a moment we stare at each other. Wide eyed and breathless.

"I... my apologies, I-I over stepped." I mumble, trying not to flush. I fail spectacularly.

"I don't mind." she looks up at me and smirks at my flushed cheeks.

"You don't?" I breathe, confused. Her lips twist into a mischievous smile,

"In fact..." she runs a finger down my arm and I shiver, "I rather liked it." Then take her in my arms again, kissing her slow and passionately. She lays her hand on my chest, sighing against my lips. We're kissing. I'm drowning in her love and she's my only tie to his world and I don't know if I ever want to leave. "Ampelio," she breaks away and rests her head against my chest. Whispering into my heart. "I love you."

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