Chapter four: Theodosia

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"I'm going to miss him so much..." I say into Søren's chest as he runs a hand through my hair. We're curled up together on the sofa in my sitting room as we do most nights when he's in Astrea. I'm reminded of my Mother and Ampelio doing the same, laughing together as I sat in their laps. Fiddling with my father's, now my, fire gem. I press my fingers to it now in its place around my neck, feeling it's energy thrum through me. I wear it most days because the court likes it when I do, Art said they see it as a symbol of my power. "Are you sure it's the right thing to do?" Søren mutters into my hair. I know why he's worried. I know it reminds him too much of his own apprenticeship with the Theyn. It feels so long ago. It was really. 16 years ago. I found out I was pregnant with Ampelio the same day I was crowned queen. Who would have thought that one night together on the Wås with Søren would change so much. "I know you don't like it but Ampelio needs to learn how to fight properly, Søren." I place my palm flat on his chest, right over his heart and relax into the rhythmic beats of his heart. He's here with me, in Astrea. It's okay, I can relax now. "And besides, since my current status of Queen of Flame and Fury, a little fighting talk with some of Astrea's bravest and most honoured warriors can't hurt." Søren chuckles, "Don't let Artemisa hear that, she'd hate it."

"Well, I was tempted address the letter to 'Princess Artemisa of Astrea, long may she live and flounce around in pink frilly dresses writing poetry.'" he bursts out laughing, shoulders rocking violently and I curl my hand around his chest, if only so that I don't fall off the sofa. I press closer, "Do you think it's the right decision?" I ask nervously. I know as a Queen I'm meant to be strong. To make my own decisions and trust them but I can't help it. He's here now, what hurt can it do to lean on him little? He's silent for awhile before cupping my face with his gentle, callused hands. "Theo," he says softly, rubbing a thumb across my cheek, "you are a brave, honourable queen who has brought her country peace through all odds and setbacks." I look up at him, wishing to be strong but I melt. He's just so.... Brave? Strong? Honest? "I know you will make the right decision." Then he leans in, lips ghosting mine. "Yana Crebesti" he whispers and covers my mouth with his.

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