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this fucking asshole

"Babe, babe" I grabbed her face. "Look at me" I said while she was shaking. "I'm a good guy, you know it" I was trying to persuade her I'm the guy she wants me to be. "They are probably checking if everything is fine, you know.. Crazy times we live in.. Perhaps somebody stole a car, a gang wars or.. lots of stuff can happen you know" I was trying to put as much effort I could to make her calm again.

"Something is not okay" she grabbed her heart suddenly.

"I assure you everything will be fine" I took both of her hands in to mine. "You just have to promise me one thing" her heart started beating faster again.

"No matter what day or what time it was, I were with you" I said because I needed alibi.

"Does this mean that you actually...?? Oh my God, Yoongi..." she pushed me and almost started crying.

"I'M NOT" I shouted a little bit. "Why don't you believe me?" I asked her and took her right hand again. "Anyway, we are waisting our time, just do as I want and everything will be great, okay?" I smiled a little bit.

"Okay" she agreed ant went to open the door.

I could feel the tension in me and the way adrenaline whelmed my veins. After 5 seconds I saw two policemen in front of me. They both were looking at me very suspicious, what the hell they were thinking? I mean.. Fuck... Speak with me.. Just fucking say something.

ahhh, my bruises all over the face..

"We just came here to ask you a few questions"  one of them finally spoke to me.

"Sure thing, what can I help you?" I said.

"Where were you on April 11?" the other one asked.

"Me? Oh, why would you care if I may ask?" I laughed.

"So you can't answer?" policeman asked me again.

"I can't even remember what I did 3 days ago and you ask me this.. I probably was with my girlfriend.. Hanging out, buying these weird dresses" I pointed at her gray dress with a huge sphinx on it and she hit me very gently. "I'm pretty bad at remembering things"  I also added.

"He was with me on that day, we went to the cinema" Ibbeun agreed. "Goodfellas, this is the name of the movie, impossible to forget" she proudly said.

"Martin Scorsese.. What a freaking genius" I continued.

"And the cast.. Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta.. Name a better trio" she added. We were talking like it's the last movie on Earth.. Well, that's close enough to name it.

"Do you remember FUNNY HOW scene? Goddamn that was hilarious" we both started laughing. "Also, yesterday was 30 years Anniversary of this movie!!" I overjoyed. "Cinephiles here" I whispered to policemen.

"Okay" one of them said and wrote something down to his notes. I could say we did a great perfomance because they seem to believe it, even though for a little bit. "I think that's all we wanted to know" they added.

I was so proud of her I was smiling inside, I couldn't let go of her hand.

Once they were ready to leave I followed them and commanded Ibbeun to stay in the room.

"Also, what happened to your face?" policeman suddenly asked.

"Ahh, teenagers these days.. I was kinda drunk, they followed me and then.. You see" I touched my neck.

"Do you remember their faces?"

"I'm afraid no, Sir" I answered. "It was really dark, plus they didn't steal anything, they just.. didn't have what to" I murmured.

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