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Have you ever felt so alive, happy and contented all at once? Well that's exactly how I feel right now.

We just finished cleaning up the picnic place and we're now returning to my apartment, Since Liz gave me a curfew. Ryan enter the driver seat after he put all the things we used on the back seat.

"Hey." I smiled greeting him. He pick my hands with his own, interlocking it while placing a chaste kiss on the back of my palm, heating my cheeks.

"I love you." he muttered still kissing the back of my palm. His breath tickles me but nonetheless I smile.

"I know." I just answered, laugh when he puckered his lips into a cute pout. Wow! I never knew Ryan can be this cute-- annoyingly cute.

"Where's my i love you too?!" My eyes glint in amusement as we stare at each other.

My playful side kicking in, I tried to tease him a bit more, maybe a payback from the rollercoaster emotion he put me through the last months.

"I don't know, maybe they ignore you." I said hinting a playfulness on my tone but Ryan mustn't been notice it, As his calm and collected aura turns into a sad, miserable one-- causing me to panic.

I quickly think of a way to cheer him up.

"Hey, Hey. I love you too, there I said it." I said my eyes mirrors worry but what I saw in his made me mentally groan.

Argh! Why do you have to say that Vijie! Now he look so depressed!

"I'm so sorry Vijie. I know I've been a jerk to you, and I don't deserve this second-- maybe third chance but let me prove to you how much you mean to me Jie. I'm so inlove with you, I do." He speaks with so much sincere and emotion, I honestly thought of how stupid the both of us are.

I smile at him, taking his face in between my arms as I position myself turning to him.

"I love you Ryan. We may took long enough to figure each others feelings and we may both messed up-- What's important is we both still ended together. You see those memories from the past months will guide us together with our future, it will help us so it doesn't really mean it's a bad thing."

I assured looking straight into his beautiful brown eyes. I witnessed how his eyes dilate when he muster a grin and pull me on my neck rather suddenly causing a gasp to escape from me.

He kissed me with so much passion that I can't help but return it with the same intensity.

"I'm.so.inlove.with.you." he emphasized each word in between our heated kiss. 

I smile nodding, then we both held each others face, he gave me one more peck before he drive away.

The silence took over us, sometimes glancing on each other's way meeting our gazes and would break a grin into our faces. If I wasn't in a good mood I would probably think of myself as crazy.

Well I am.

Crazy inlove with him.

I giggled at the thought until I didn't realize that we reach my apartment.

He opened the door for me, and held my hand.

We stare at each other, wearing both smiles.

"I'll call you?" I nod at what he said.

"I'll wait for your call then." And before I left I gave him one last kiss for today. Pulling away, I connected our foreheads, staring into his eye.

I'm loving how I lost myself into them.

"I love you so much Ry. So much."


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