Chapter 3: Understaffed and Overworked

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The sun was just barely creeping over the horizon when little Hitoshi roused again, already whining because he needed to be changed. His wide purple eyes glanced around the room as the morning light illuminating his unfamiliar settings. At was as if his brain was just now registering he was alone in a strange place; his mother was nowhere to be seen and the loud snores coming from the man below him were irritating his sensitive ears. He felt confused, uncomfortable, and above all overwhelmed. As tears welled in his eyes, Hitoshi's whines became whimpers, and a single keening cry escaped before a pair of strong hands wrapped themselves around his belly and gently lifted him up. Hizashi was a naturally early riser (despite having gotten little sleep) and had heard the baby start fussing in the other room. He carefully tucked Hitoshi against his chest, shushing him softly.

"Shhhh. Mornin' little listener. You were about to give Sho one doozy of a wake-up call, weren't ya? Well I'm gonna push the snooze button on you so we can let him sleep a little longer. Instead, you can hang with your favorite radio star for a while! Get you all cleaned up and ready for your big debut. How's that sound, rockstar?"

Hitoshi looked up at Present Mic with wide, curious eyes before cooing and nuzzling into his chest in response. He had decided he liked this person, with his funny voice and long blonde hair. Hizashi gave a small "aww" carried him off to the bedroom so they wouldn't disturb Shouta.

The raven-haired hero only stirred when an incoming beam of sunlight crossed over his eyes. Covering his face, Shouta sat up and gave a languid stretch, his back stiff from sleeping on the couch. It took him a moment to register that the baby was no longer on his chest and he assumed Mic was the culprit. Aizawa got up and wandered into the bedroom looking for them. He found Mic sitting cross-legged on the bed with his back against the headboard, giving Hitoshi a bottle. Upon seeing his husband in the doorway, the blonde smiled, beaming as brightly as the sun while small gurgles and sucking noises came from Hitoshi.
"Morning, hun! Did you sleep well?"

Shouta gave a tired smile.
"I slept fine. I'm a little stiff today, but nothing too bad. Thank God it's my day off. How's the kid?"

"He's alright now. Almost woke you up at the crack of dawn but I caught him just in time. Hey check this out!"

Hizashi set aside the mostly empty bottle and turned the baby over so Hitoshi was sitting up between his crossed legs and leaning back against Mic's stomach. He was wearing a mint green, hooded onesie with booties and what appeared to be a tail on the backside. With a smirk, Mic flipped up the hood to show it had two pointed ears sewn on top, giving Hitoshi the appearance of a little cat.

"Isn't this just adorable? There were a bunch of these at the store last night so I snagged a couple. Little rockstar's the cat's meow now, ya dig?"

Aizawa couldn't help but smile at the sight, walking to the edge of the bed to pat the top of Hitoshi's hooded head. Hitoshi looked up and latched a hand around one of Aizawa's fingers, bringing it down to his mouth before sucking on it. Aizawa let him suckle on his finger for a moment before gently pulling away and taking a deep breath.

"Mic we need to take him to the Hero Commission Headquarters."

Mic froze for second, his whole body tensing up.

"W-what? Why? Why do we need to turn him over to them?!"

There was venom in his voice as he spat out the final word. Hizashi had told Shouta many times how he felt about the Hero Commission, especially regarding their treatment of children. He was frankly stunned and offended that his husband would suggest such a thing. Shouta, expecting this kind of reaction, sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Because they can tell us what to do in this case. I know you want to help him, and I do too. But like the note said, there are potentially dangerous people after him. And even if we are here to protect him, we're not prepared to take in a child, especially one as young as him. I know how you feel about the Commission; I'm not too keen on them either. But they'll be more equipped to shelter and protect him and his identity. Please Zashi, be reasonable."

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