Chapter 7: Light Up Our Lives

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The first sound that greeted Hizashi as he stepped through the front door was the high-speed whirring of a blender. Closing the door to cut off the icy blast of wind that followed him, the blonde deposited the plastic bags he had hung over his arms on the floor before shedding his winter coat, scarf, and boots. He wandered into the kitchen towards the source of the noise to find Shouta standing by the counter, holding down the top of the blender as it pulverized a sickly yellow substance.

"Babe, I'm home!"

His words were drowned out by the machine's incessant racket, an irony that was not lost on the Voice Hero. He opted to lean against the fridge and wait. After a moment, Shouta stopped the device to pop off the basin and carry it to the sink.

"Making smoothies for dinner?"

Shouta yelped in surprise, whirling to face Hizashi and nearly spilling the pitcher's contents.

"Holy fu—! Don't sneak up on me like that! And, unfortunately, no. Smoothies would be far less frustrating."

Hizashi strode forward, closing the distance between them to wrap his arms around Shouta's waist. He placed a quick peck on Shouta's cheek and the dark-haired man recoiled at the touch.

"Jesus Hizashi! How cold is it out there? Your lips are like ice!"

"Are they?" Hizashi asked, voice dripping with false innocence before he grabbed Shouta by the back of his head and pulled him closer.

"In that case, I need to be warmed up! Help your main squeeze out; gimme some sugar before I die of hypothermia!"

He peppered Shouta's face and neck with icy kisses, Shouta grunting and half-heartedly attempting to free himself all the while.

"Zashi knock it off! I'm going to spill this if you keep it up!" Aizawa protested through chuckles. Hizashi eventually ceased his onslaught of affection, pulling away to cross his arms and cock his head.

"Well if that ain't dinner, what is it?" he asked quizzically.

"It is dinner, just not our dinner." Shouta said with a sigh. "It seems someone in this house won't eat anything that comes from a store-bought jar. Only a home cooked meal will suffice. Isn't that right, Your Majesty?"

Shouta shot a dark look towards the living room and received a high pitched babble in response. Hizashi craned his neck to see over the island to find Shinsou laid belly-down on a blanket in the middle of room, scowling at Shouta with a ring of plastic, rainbow-colored keys in his mouth.

"Is that so?" Hizashi said, releasing his grip on Shouta and walked around the island towards Shinsou. He lowered himself down to the floor, resting on his own stomach and getting eye-level with the baby.

"Do we have a picky purple prince on our hands?" He teased, ruffling Hitoshi's hair. Hitoshi only glowered in response, still drooling all over the key ring.

"Picky doesn't even come close to it. More like stubborn." Shouta grumbled, turning back towards the sink where he had set up a fine mesh colander with a glass jar below. Slowly he spooned and strained the mixture through the wire netting, being careful not to waste a drop.

"Thanks for going on a supply run by the way, Zashi. This took much longer than I expected."

"No problem, babe. I wanted to get a few things anyways so that gave me the perfect excuse."

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