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Izuku P.O.V(Been a while since I did pov.)

It's a normal day. I decide to get my lazy self out of bed. I am a second year after all. Get up and stretch a little. 200 pushups. 300 squats. More pushups. More squats. I need to stay fit for battle. I head to the bathroom and get ready using my daily routine. Brush teeth. Shower. Use the toilet. Get myself breakfast.

Speaking of. It's time for breakfast. I went downstairs and greet my classmates. "Mornin y'all." I called. I got 'yo' and hey from the Bakusquad and 'hi's from the Yaomomo Yakuza as i called them. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cherrios then milk. I heard Sero and Mina arguing. "Milk first." Sero shouted. "Cereal first." Mona retorted. Soon everyone was arguing. "QUIET!" I shouted. "You put the fricking bowl first you idiots." I said smartly. Everyone stared and then laughed. I guess they were laughing at their own stupidity. Not the first.

Anyway I finished my morning chores and walked out side towards school. Upon arrival I saw the new first years bumbling. I directed some of them to Class 1a since they were last minute transfers from across country. I made it to my class and settled.

Kaminari, Jiro and Momo were there asweell. "Yall want some musical delight?" I asked. They nodded. I focused with my quirk quirk and manipulated the air currents to play the Bad Batch Theme Remix By Samuel Kim.

"This is dope bro." Kaminari said vibing. "Elegant." Momo complimented. Jiro just nodded in appreciation. Slowly one by one the class filled. Soon my homeroom teacher, Midnight came inside. "Alright class we have a student from the Villain Rehabilitation Program. Be nice." She announced. Uproar insued. "Ma'am this is crazy. You can't let someone like a villain into U.A. It's too dangerous." Iida shouted. "Yeah. What if he trays to kill us." Shouted Tsuyu. "Hey. I'm not a he. I'm bad girl." Said a sickly sweet voice. A girl entered the room. She had two pony tails. Her hair was creme while the ends were red and blue. She wore a leather choker that had gold pigment. She wore a white and black t-shirt that said 'Daddy's Lil Monsters'. She wore short shorts that barely made it past her upper thigh. I like her already.

 "Names Harlene Quinzel

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"Names Harlene Quinzel. Commonly known as Harley Quinn. Nice to meet ya." She greeted. "Sup. Names Izuku. But you can call me Jazz" I said shocking everyone. "Nice to meet you Mistah J." She said sweetly. Mistah J?

"Anyone has questions for her?" Asked Midnight. "Yes. How many people have you killed?" Asked Iida. "Two. My good for nothing parents." She said coldly. Everyone else gasped. She was just like me. "Excuse me but why did you choose villainy." I asked. "Well you see my parents were abusive. No one helped. I killed them and ran away. Then I met my boyfriend, The Joker but he was even more abusive. He dumped me and moved to the US. I had nowhere else to go." She said sadly earning some sympathy. "I need someone to escort her to her dorm. It's the new floor on your dorms. Anyone?" Asked Midnight. No one dared. I raised my hand. "I will c'mon Harley." I said getting out of my chair. "Coming Mistah J." She called following me.

"Why do you call me Mistah J. And what's with the accent." "Well..... I called my ex boyfriend Mistah J and I miss him. I have slight Stockholm Syndrome. And my dad was American. I lived their half my life and the accent stuck." She answered. "Okay. So what's you quirk?" I asked noticing the anti quirk cuffs. "My quirk is Sickly Seduction. If I talk to someone long enough I can either seduce them or drive them mad. It doesn't work on stronger minds though. How about you?" "Nice. Mine is Airflow. I bend air around me and use it like a weapon. Or I can vibrate it to make music." I said. "That's super cool. Your parents must be proud." "No. They aren't. I killed my parents when I was 5. They would abuse me everyday. After that I was adopted by a neglectful family. Then I was adopted by Eraserhead. I have lasting neurological effects says the doctors." I said. "I'm so sorry. Wait? Neurological Issues?" She asked. "I'm... Well I'm kind of a psycho path during battle. I'm mentally unstable. All Hell breaks lose when I start singing." I answered. "Huh?" "You'll see. Anyway this is the dorm. Come inside." I said gesturing to the gigantic building. "Sure thing Mistah J." She said following. I showed her the common area. Showers. Kitchen and finally her room.

"Thanks for the tour Mistah J." Harley said. "No problem Harley. Anyway I have to get back to class. Be good while I'm gone." I said sternly. "Sir yes sir, Mistah J." She said fake saluting.

I laughed it off and left her to her own devices.

When i returned, i was bombarded with questions. "Did she hurt you?" Being the most popular. "No, she did not. She's actually pretty cool." I complimented. "Are you sure Deku?" Asked my ex crush. I used to like her but not anymore. She's too...... fake. She's a known gossip queen. And toxic. At least Mina doesn't spread dirt about others.

"Yeah. Harley is from a similar background like me." I mused. They all,know of my past. After class started my mind wandered to the girl in the dorms.

Harley Quinn.

Why am I thinking of her?

Harley P.O.V.

I laid in my bed hugging a pillow. I felt so free. Yet I feel so empty. I feel too free. I need someone to dominate over me. That's sounded weird. What I mean is that I liked it when Joker would hit me but he always took it too far. He would dominate playfully but over time he became abusive. Maybe Midoriya can be my new Mistah J.


Words 1015

Posted 20/9/2020

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