Welcome To The 501st

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1 - Amerapan. In this Universe, America and Japan are the greatest allies, they combined their countries. America + Japan = Amerapan. Though the two nations are usually separated in name, during official business they are combined.

"Go on."

"The 501st is a top secret branch of the Amerapan Military(1). We the modern day Men In Black though you keep your memories and no aliens. We specialize in the capture and in some cases, the termination of villains that are too powerful for conventional heroes. I want you in my Army." Said the Marshall Commander. " what's in it for us? " asked Shoto. "You get a salary of 100,000 a month. Free healthcare. Your families if necessary will be provided for. But the only catch is that your names will be changed and you may never see your families again except for holidays." He said. "Am I being offered as well?" Asked Harley. "Definitely. Your basically reformed, in two weeks may I add. No disruptions. Excellent behavior. And incredible fighting skills." Nezu said. "I'm flattered Mistah Nezu."

I had flashback of when we were doing hero training. That was a good day.

Le Flashback brought to u by Key3ss

It was the bomb test again. Harley and I were the heroes. Bakugo and Uraraka were the villAins.

"Alright. Bakugo, as usual us gonna come for me. You go on ahead. Uraraka has an anti gravity quirk. Use your bat to knock away things then use your quirk and make her kneel." I said. "You got it Mistah J." 

We entered the building. I told her to go left while I dropped my phone to alert Bakugo of my location. He heard the Pomeranian blast his way towards him. "Ready to lose Deku." He snarled. "Yeah. I'm ready to lose some weight by beating your ass." I retorted. All might turned on the mics and listened in.

Bakugo rushed him and blasted left and right like a dirty boxer. He had no real target. I simply dodged. I used my quirk and blew debris and dust everywhere.

I felt my lips turn upwards. A smile imprinted on my face as I disappeared. "~Ring around the rosey *giggle*, pocket full of Posey, *hahaha*, ashes ashes. We all fall down~" my voice filled the air. It was my psychosis breaking out. "~~itsy bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout," I sang. Bakugo must've been scared since I didn't sense movement.

In the booth

"Sir. Stop the exercise." Momo said. "Why young Yaoyorozu?" "He's singing." Shoto said. "Huh?" "When he sings...... Your in deep crap." Jiro revealed. All might remembered what he did as a child. "Oh dear."

Back to the action.

"~~Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again." I finished my song as I snuck up behind Katsuki. I kicked him in the back then used my Air currents to launch him into the air. I increased the pressure on him so he couldn't move.


Back to the future.

"So we have never see our families again and we have to change our names." Said Eddie. "Yes. If you agree, you'd use codenames 24/7."

"I'm in. I hate my family." Momo said causally. "My mom and dad left me here and aren't coming back so I'm in." Jiro said. "I have no family. Plus if Kyoka is in. I'm in." Eddie said. "I'm not close with my family so I'm in." Shoto admitted. "Well... I killed my parents years ago. I'm in." I admitted. "If he's in. I'm in." Harley squealed.

"Chose your names." Pentecost orders.

"Venom is fine." Eddie commented. Very original.

"Reverb." Jiro said. Nice pun

(Rewrite)Mistah J(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now