The Gang

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I and my squad minus Eddie made it back to U.A. with our tattoos hidden. We had changed back to our normal clothes as to not draw suspicion. "Where were you all." Shouted Iida. "Out." I said innocently. "Why didn't you tell us. And why was the Villain with you?." Shouted Uraraka. "The villain is right here ya know." Harley mumbled. "None of your business." Said Shoto. He and Momo made sure to bail. Iida looked at Jiro "I was with my boyfriend. So what?" She said innocently. "Boyfriend? Who?" Shouted Iida, again. "None of you goddamn business Mister-i like rules." Jiro said sarcastically. "C'mon let's go to Shoto's room." I said. They obeyed. When we arrived, Harley, Momo and Jiro fawned over their tattoos. Shoto and I rubbed ours with salt water to ease the discomfort. Momo is used to inflammation and the subsequent pain. Harley is used to pain. Jiro had hers in 3rd year of junior high so she has no consequence right now. Shoto and I read a paper stating that some old tribes on Polynesian islands who had ceremonial tattoos would soak themselves in saltwater. I grabbed salt from the kitchen and Shoto melted some ice. "How are we gonna hide these?" Asked Momo. "I can ask Mei to modify yout hero costume. I where long sleeves. Jiro, just keep saying it's a birth mark. And no one really pays attention to Harley. When we are changing we either show up later or hide them. I'll wrap my arms in bandages." I answered. The nodded. "But you got to admit mine is the most badass." I gloated. "Because I picked them out ya fool." Harley retorted. "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "So Harley, you joining the group?" Asked Shoto. "Definitely. Y'all are fun. My first friends even." She said solemnly. "Welcome to Suicide Squad. Happy to have you." Said Jiro hugging her. "Thanks guys." She said hugging back. Mina walked inside after a while. "Yaomomo, Kyoko, wanna have a sleepover?" Asked the pink alien. "Can Harley come?" Asked Momo. "No. The girls said she was too dangerous though I have no problem." Mina admitted. "Then we ain't coming." Jiro said. "Ok girls. Bye Harley. Maybe we can be friends soon." Mina said genuinely. "Same here."

She left.

"Hey, we should go shopping tomorrow. I forgot to do it today. " I said. They all nodded.

We went on our phones for the next half an hour. I looked at time. 6:30. Time to make dinner for these losers.

"It's my turn now to make dinner for us." I said getting off the bed. "Woohoo. We love your cooking." Shouted Momo. Harley looked skeptical. "Harley, his cooking worth dying for." Exaggerated Jiro. " I'm flattered. " I remarked as I went to feed these horny teens.

I made my way to the bottom of the building. The kitchen was free yet I was stopped by Uraraka. "Hey Deku!." She beamed. I hate that name. "Hi, Uraraka-Chan." I said trying to be excited. "Wanna come with me and the class to the mall?" She asked. "No thank you." I said kindly. "Seriously. C'mon." She said tugging my shoulder. "I have prior engagements, now I  have to make Dinner." I said.

30 minutes later.

Ive been cooking Katsudon and its now ready. I texted Shoto that dinner was ready. I made 5 plates. I saw the 5 teens come down. I got a text from Eddie.

Venom: Hey, Imma come over today.

Jazz: Kool. Just made dinner.

"Guys. Eddie is coming over. Kyoka, maybe you should reveal your relationship." I said. "Really!? Maybe. Yeah. If anyone asks, I'll tell them." Kyoka said. "Nice." Shoto said. I made sure to leave an extra plate.

A few minutes later Eddie walked inside. "How's my boys, girls and lady doing." He said excitedly. "Eddie, is Venom awake." I asked

"I am."

"Hi Ven." We replied.

"Sup guys. Anyway I've been working all day, Imma go sleep."

"Kool." We said.

"Whats for dinner?"


"Nice." He said sitting beside Kyoka. He sat down and immediately Kyoka jumped on his lap. "Open." She ordered. "C'mon hon--." He complained. "Open your damned mouth and eat Eddie." She shouted forcing food into his mouth. We laughed.

"Who Is He?" Shouted a voice. It was iida.

"Eddie Brock." Said Eddie. "Why is she in your lap?" Asked another voice. Uraraka. "He's my boyfriend." Kyoka said kissing his cheek. "Sir. You look like pro hero Venom." Said Tsuyu. "Cuz I am." "Your at least 18, it's illegal to date a minor." Iida argued. "If you have a licence your considered an adult. Now run along. In eating dinner." Eddie said calmly. "Sir. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I can't stand an adult dating a child." Iida said. "Little boy I'm gonna have to ask you to shut the Hell up before I ask my friend to bite your head off." Eddie threatened. "Babe, calm down." Kyoka cooed. He nodded. "Hey, you leave Mistah V alone." Harley shouted. Mistah V? "Stay out of this villain." Shouted Uraraka.

I felt something snap. I got up from the table and marched up to Uraraka. "I dare you to say that again." I seethed. "She's a villain, nothing will change that." She said.

I used my quirk immediately I was covered in fire. Yes, fire. If I compress the air around me it will combust. "You will respect her as I do. Understand?" "Yes."

"See, she's changing them." Said Kirishima.

"Suicide Squad. We're leaving." I said in a hoarse voice. I had gotten a text from Nezu. "Nezu texted. Let's go." I ordered. The nodded and we left. On the way Shoto and I changed. We felt no need to hide who wE were.

 We felt no need to hide who wE were

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We look good. You gotta admit.

"You called for the suicide squAd sir?" I said. Then I noticed a man dressed in an army formAl suit. He looked like Idris Elba. "Good evening suicide squAd. I'm the Marshall Commander of the 501st Battalion, Stacker Pentecost. I have a proposition." Said the man.

"Go on."

Words 1023

Posted 22/9/2020

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