He's not famous, you are (1D)

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*Helt engelsk*

Zayn: Singer
"What inspired you to start singing?" the interviewer asks. "My boyfriend. He sings, amazing I might add. We used to sing a lot together before I got famous. He should be the one who's famous! He is so amazing! I'll make him record a single with me one day... But yeah it's thanks to Zayn" you answer with a smile. "Okay. How are things with you and Zayn now by the way?" "We're good! Amazing actually. We've been dating for a year on Friday" you say proudly. "Is he here now?" "Yes, he is." "Get him up here! We want to se the cute couple, don't we?" You laugh and walk over to him and take his hand. You both walk up to the stage again. "Congratulations on your one year anniversary, a bit early though" the interviewer says with a smile. "Thank you" you both answer. She asks a lot of questions and has a lot of statements that you answer. The last question she has is for Zayn. "Why do you love D/N?" she asks. He looks at you. "Because of who she is. She's so down to earth and fun. We were best friends long before we started dating and I really trust her. She knows everything about me. I know everything about her. She makes me really happy. I love her a lot" he says and smile calmly at you. "I love you too Zayn" you say quiet and take his hand.

Liam: Youtuber (his pov)
I take D/N's vlogging camera and press the power button. "Hi guys! Liam here. Today is a very special day. I've planned on asking D/N to marry me... I hope she won't mind that I borrowed her camera" I say and chuckle lightly.

After preparing everything I go out to the garden and walk the short way to the river a few meters from our house. Now I just have to wait...

(Your pov)
You walk in to the house and walk to the kitchen isle and but down your bags. You see a note. "Hi baby. Follow my directions and record everything! There's a surprise at the end. I love you// Liam". There's another note right beside it, you read it. "Hi again. Take this camera and promise me to record everything! First of all, go to our bedroom and look in the bag by your pillow. See you later! xx". You start the camera and start walking up the stairs to your shared bedroom. "Okay Liam, I'm here. What are you up to...?" You look in the bag and see a beautiful black dress. (Kolla bilden) "It's beautiful..." There's a note stocked on the dress, you read it. "First step done! Put the dress on and then go to the shoe shop, there's something for you!" you read to the camera.

"Are you D/N?" a woman asks, she works here. "Yes" you answer. "Here, these are for you" she says and hands you a box. You open it, there's a pair of blue heels in it (bilden). You put them on and show the camera. There's another note again. "You found the shoes I see? Good. Now, go to the jewellery shop. Love you!" You look at the woman who gave you the shoes. "How much are they?" you ask. "Nothing at all, say hi to Liam for me would you? Good luck
D/N!" she says and smile. You walk out from the shop and make your way to the jewellery shop. "How did she know my name...?" you wonder.

"And you must be D/N! Here you go!" a man behind the desk says and gives you a small box. You open it to find a necklace with a little key on it (bilden). "This is so pretty..." you say and show the camera. "Your boyfriend has a good taste" the man says and smile "Do you need any help putting it on?" "Yes, please." The man gives you a note. "When I saw this necklace I thought of you D/N. You've got the key to my heart. There's only one stop left now! Go to the animal shelter! I love you so much! I'll see you soon!" you read aloud. "Good luck and congrats!" the man says. "For what..?" you ask. "You'll see. Goodbye D/N" he smile. "Bye."

You drive to the animal shelter and park your car. You and Liam always drive here to look at animals. You've always wanted a dog. You talk about it in almost all of your videos! You walk in and automatically walk to the dogs. You spot a really cute Golden Retriever puppy (bilden). You show the camera. "How cute is this dog?! Seriously..." you say. "D/N I guess?" a girl says with a smile. "Yeah" you smile back. She picks the puppy up and give it too you. "He's for you" she says. "Are you serious?" you ask. "One hundred percent" she smiles. "Oh my god... He's so cute!" you say to the camera. "Have a good day D/N! Good luck" she says. "Thank you" you smile. Just before you go you see the note Liam left. "Return home and walk to the river by our house. I'll see you there" you read "Liam what are you up to?"

It's dark outside when you arrive at the river. There's candles formed as an arrow. You follow the direction of it until you see other candles. They form the word "Will". You record it and continue walking confused. the next word is "You". "Will you?" you say. You keep walking until you see the next two words. "Marry Me?" you say. You look at the candles. "Will you?" you hear Liam ask. You look up at him. "Yes! Yes of course!" you say. You hug him tight and kiss him. He puts the ring in your finger and smiles. "I love you." "I love you too."

Niall: Guitarist
You and Niall met at one of your bands shows. He was in front row. You kept looking over at him all the time. He looked at you too and smile. You couldn't help but smile back. He was cute, really cute. In one of the last songs you play wrong all the time because you look at him. After the song is finished you walk to the microphone. "I'm so sorry but there's this really attractive boy in front row distracting me" you say and giggle. After the show you ask security to go and find him for you. You can't get him out of your mind. After about 15 minutes a guard comes up to you and say that he's in the room beside the one you are in right now. You go to the room and see him sitting in a sofa. "Hi..." you say. He looks up and smile. "Hi..." he answers. "Sorry for dragging you away from your friends" you say and chuckle. "I don't mind" he says, still smiling. "What's your name?" you ask. "I'm Niall" he answers. "I'm D/N, but I think you already knew that..." You say. "Yeah" he says and chuckle "what did you want anyways?" "Go out someday, if you want to of course" you say. "As a date?" he asks. "Yes..." you say. "Yeah, that'd be fun" he smiles.

Louis: Model
As cliché as it is, you're a Victoria's Secret model. The annual fashion show is today and you are so nervous that you feel like you're going to throw up. They usually don't let unauthorised people in backstage but they let Louis in for some reason. You're sitting in a sofa and resting your head in Louis lap. "Are you nervous babe?" he asks. "Very" you answer with a shaky breath "but it'll be fun!" One of the other models walks up to you. "Hi D/N! I haven't seen you in forever!" "Oh my god hi!" you say and get up and hug her. "Who's this?" she asks and look at Louis. "My boyfriend Louis" you answer. He stands up and shake her hand. A crew worker says "2 minutes D/N!" and you have to go and get ready. You're opening the whole thing. "Good luck" she says and smile. Louis follows you to the stage. "I'll be right here waiting for you. You'll do amazing! I love you" he says. "Thanks. I love you too" you say.

Harry: Actress
You are at the shooting of your next movie. It's a teen romance kind of movie. It's about a girl and a boy who fall in love but can't be together because they live in different countries. In the end of the movie they meet. You are one of the lead characters and your co-star is Evan Peters.

Harry is on set with you today since you just came home from LA. He want to spend time with you. You are shooting the final scene today in which you and Evan meets for the first time. He is supposed to kiss you. You're nervous. Not because of the kiss, but Harry gets so jealous! "Are you okay with this?" you ask Harry. "Yeah, it's all fake, you don't like him do you?" he says. "No I don't, I like you" you say.

"ACTION!" the director screams. You and Evan are running towards each other and when you meet he picks you up and spins you around. He sets you down and hugs you, you hug him too. You look at each other for a few seconds as the camera goes around you two in a circle. He kisses you and you kiss him back. You whisper "I love you" to each other and then the director screams "CUT! Take a break for ten minutes everybody." You walk over to Harry, he looks annoyed as hell. He grabs you by the waist and kiss you passionately. You smirk. "Is someone a little jealous?" you mock him. "Shut up" he says and kiss you again.

Hej! Uh... Har inte uppdaterat här på typ 1 månad shit... Jag är så ledsen! Jag har varit bortrest och sjuk och haft läxor o gymnasievalssaker osv, har också glömt att uppdatera ops... Men nu är jag tillbaka! Känns som jag har förlorat sjukt många läsare nu så om du är kvar fortfarande, tack! ❤️ Detta blev sjukt långt haha sorry xx

Hare bra// Molly xxx

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