Texts (del 2)

417 16 6

You: Hey stalker

You: Haya

You: What's up?

You: Why you no answering yo phone?
[om ngn vet vem som sa det, I love you omg]


You: Stranger I wanna talk to you

Stalker: OKAY

Stalker: I s2g...

Stalker: I'm here

You: Yay! How u donin'?

Stalker I'm good, except that you woke me up at 2 am -.-

You: I can't sleep.

Stalker: That is not my problem ok? Now I can't sleep either.

You: Why are you so grumpy?

Stalker: IT'S 2 FKN AM

You: Okay I'm sorry

You: Wanna play 20 questions?

Stalker: Why not I'm awake now so...

You: Question number 1: Who are you?

Stalker: Still not gonna tell you. Why did you wake me up at 2 AM?

You: Bc I'm bored. What letter does your name start with?

Stalker: Not gonna tell you that, you'll know who I am. Do you like rock music?

You: Yes. Why did you start texting me?

Stalker: Bc you're beautiful and I like you. What is your favourite subject?

You: English. Do you play any sports?

Stalker: I'm in the soccer team. Why are you so beautiful?

You: It's a disease. I was born with it. What hair colour do you have?

Stalker: Brown. I don't have any more questions...

You: I've got a lot but you won't answer them sooo...

Stalker: Go to sleep, its school tomorrow and I don't want my angel to be tired all day.

You: Im not your angel, your devil if something and I can't sleep!

Stalker: I'll tell a joke then!

You: I hate jokes... -.-

Stalker: too bad for you. What is the Mexican version of One Direction? Juan Direction!

You: Omg that was so bad!

Stalker: But you did laugh, right?

You: No...

Stalker: Lemme have another try then love. How do you count cows? With a cowculator!

You: No

You: Just stop okay?

Stalker: No, not until you laugh! Why did Miley and Liam break up? It wasn't twerking!

You: That one was kinda funny, didn't laugh tho so please stop!

Stalker: No!!

Stalker: One the other hand... If you say that you love me I might stop.

You: Nope never!

Stalker: What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married? Feyoncé!

You: OKAY! I I love you idiot.

Stalker: I love you too, now go to sleep! I'll see you tomorrow.

You woke up the next morning and felt really tired, of course. That happens if you stay up texting 'till 3 AM. You check your phone and see that you've got a new text.

Cute stalker: I've got a new joke for you! Why do women make better soldiers? Bc they can bleed for a week and not die.

You: Omg that's so bad! I snorted.

Cute stalker: I knew you like my jokes!

*In school*

"Luuuuuke!" you scream/ say really loud as you walk up to him.
"D/NNNNN" he say just as loud. "Gosh, don't scream I'm right here" he chuckle. "Who gave you sarcasm for breakfast?" "Your mom" "Why so annoying today?" "I'm just tired, I was up until 3 AM texting someone" you say. "Who, do I know him?" he asks. "I don't know who he is and you probably know him" you answer. "You don't know who he is...?" Luke asks confused. "Nope, he just texted me" you answer. "But he's on the soccer team so you probably know who he is. Is there any werd guy who tell really bad jokes?" "Uh... Me, Calum, Michael, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn so basically all of us..." he says. "Urh... thanks for the help" you say sarcastically. "No problem" he says. You walk into science class with Luke and sit by the windows. Luke's seat is the one I front of you.

Cute stalker: You look beautiful today

You: You said that yesterday too

Cute stalker: You're always beautiful.

You smile at the text. The cute stalker is really cute.

The teacher walks into the room and everybody sits down in their chairs.

"You will work with the person next to you on a homework for next week.
D/N, since you and Calum don't sit beside anyone you'll be working together okay? Good, start!"

Hej! Wow vad långt detta blev... :o
Kommer nog 1 eller 2 delar till men de kommer inte va lika långa haha

Omg bilden! Featus 5sos får mig att gråta hahaha
Hare bra// Molly xxx

Imagines 1D och 5sosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang