• Prologue •

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Third Person's POV

Aurora Blake let out a low groan, knowing she couldn't scream like she wanted to. She was in so much pain, but just like Octavia's birth, she knew she couldn't attract attention.

Octavia and Bellamy stood beside her, watching her. Octavia was really scared and anxious for her mom, but Bellamy was a bit more relaxed, already having done this once before.

"Mommy, you need a doctor." Octavia said, her eyes wide, worried about her mother and her not-yet born sibling.

"No." Aurora replied swiftly and firmly before letting out another grunt of pain.

"Bellamy, get the blanket, it's coming." She ordered and Bellamy was quick to obey. She held it under herself and soon the baby was born.

She checked it's gender before wrapping it up in the blanket and holding it out to Bellamy.

"Bellamy, Octavia, meet your baby sister." Aurora told them as Bellamy gently took the baby.

"It's up to you two to name her. Remember, she's both of your responsibilities now, keep her quiet. I'm so tired." She said, her eyelids shutting.

Bellamy held the baby so both him and his two year old year old sister could see her. "What do you think we should name her, O?" Bellamy asked her.

Octavia shrugged. It wasn't that she didn't care, it was just that she was young and didn't know many names.

"You know, I named you Octavia after an ancient emperor's sister. The funny thing is, he had two sisters, just like me now, but they were both named Octavia. Two Octavia's sounds too confusing, but Augustus also had a daughter named Julia. What do you think of that name?" Bellamy suggested.

"Julia. I love it." Octavia said quietly as the baby opened her blue eyes to look at her siblings for the first time.

Then Julia started crying and Octavia looked at Bellamy, panicked. Bellamy, however, was calm as he put his finger inside of Julia's mouth, letting her suck on it, which stopped her crying. It was what he had done when Octavia was a baby to keep her quiet.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you, Julia. I'll always protect you. I promise." Bellamy promised her what he promised to Octavia when she was born.

"We promise." Octavia corrected, kissing her younger sister on the forehead. Julia just continued staring up at her siblings.

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