Chapter 25

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Bonus chapter. 🤪🤪🤪
Enjoy reading. 😉😉😉


Mr xu was carefully observing how jingyu was sincere on his words, he can feel how jingyu love his only son. He admitted to himself how he like and admire him from the very beginning. He even wished that moment that if zhou will fall in love with guy finally, he wanted his son to be with jingyu. He admitted too that it was hard to accept at first especially when he caught them on act, but it's all normal for the couple so what ever happen the only thing he can do now is tried to understand and accept the reality that his son and jingyu world was existing. That's the reality that Mr. Xu need to consider.

Mr xu however was overwhelming hearing the confession from jingyu!! He wanted to assure his son safety and happiness. He wanted to know more about jingyu's mind and what his plan towards zhou. Mr xu tried his best to calm himself even more and talk to jingyu calmly. So he look at jingyu and then asked him to look at him back.

Jingyu with his pale skin and nervous eyes look into mr xu. Although he confessed already but he can't control his emotions. He dont have any idea of what mr xu's next move.

"You are fired jingyu"

"Wh..what Mr xu what do.. mean? You want fire me??please mr xu don't do this to me!! I cant be separated with zhou" Jingyu stuttered with his wide eyes open and begging.

"Yes. You heard me right !! You are fired.. and from this time onward you'll be my son fiancée!! Mr xu said then took a small box from his pocket. "Use it next time when you do it!!" Mr xu continued.

Jingyu's world suddenly stop for a while, he was totally in awe, he never expected that everything will turn like this. His heart wanted to jump outside of his chest and willing to die that moment. When his soul get back to his body, he cant hold it and he cried and cried and sobbed like a kid.

Jingyu stood up and for the second time he kneeled and bowed infront of mr xu.

"Mr xu god knows how i feel right now!! Thank you for accepting me and Zhou's relationship. I promised to love him protect him and protect you too."

Mr xu helped him up and patted him on his shoulder. Jingyu hugged mr xu as he cried and still sobbing. Mr xu hugged him back and gently rubbed jingyu on his shoulder.

They get back into their seat and talk a lot more. While talking jingyu playfully and studied the box on his hand then he suddenly realizes that the small box that mr xu gave to him was a box of condom.

Mr xu secretly smiled on how jingyu reacted. He almost burst into laughter when jingyu looked at him in confusion with furrowed forehead. He look at mr xu then he gripped the box tightly and put in inside his pocket.  He was blushing like a red tomato and never look back to mr xu again.

"Dont let my son pregnant ok!! He still too young!! Im not ready to be a grandpa" mr xu jokingly said and burst into laughter while jingyu was out of words "ahhhmm ehhh" jingyu Only replied.

After mr xu tease jingyu he coughed and said "ok jiingyu!! To be honest i want you to do something!! I know that it will be hard for you but this will be right thing to do!! I will be more happy and contented if i will meet your dad too. I dont want this to be a one sided love. I wanted your dad to accept my son as I accepted you too." Mr xu demandad.

Jingyu felt a bit trouble knowing that he was not close and never contacted his father for so long. He knows that mr xu was definitely right and he need to do that favor. But how he will start? How he will talk and how he will tell to his dad that he was in a relationship with guy. He was froze for a while and thinking on how we will deal with that matter.

"Hey jingyu!! Are you going to do that favor because if not i will withdraw my decision and i will fire you for real and not let Zhou see you again."

"Ahhh yes Mr xu i will ,, i promise i will do everything for your son" 

"Okei then.. you can call me dad once i meet your dad" mr xu said to motivate jingyu even more.

"Ahhh can i call you dad now mr xu? I assure you that you will meet my dad soon." Jingyu said shamelessly.

"Do you want me to fire you fo real hah"

"No dad im just joking.. ahhh ehhh no mr xu" jingyu replied and gave mr xu a genuine smile.


"What the hell!! i feel like useless here waiting for nothing" i have to do something and not let jingyu face all the mess alone." With that zhou hurriedly changed his clothes then followed jingyu.

Without noticing, zhou was eavesdropping them from the beginning, he slowly and carefully walk infront of the room not letting jingyu and mr xu knows that he was there, the moment jingyu entered the office and closed the door he followed jingyu and carefully listened to them. He heard the conversation from start until end.

Zhou can't explain the feelings that he had!! He never expected that his father will  accept their relationship easily. He was overjoyed but yet he was confused. In his mind he knows that his father dont have any idea  about his gender. 

"I never open up with him yet, only to mom! But why he acted like he knows already? What the hell is happening? And he wanted to meet jingyu's father? But they are not in good terms now!! I need to do something!! I need to help jingyu. This is for the sake of our relationship. And wait why dad was laughing so hard??? What the hell is happening inside!! God damn it!!Is  my dad trying to betray and replace me then treat jingyu as his own son now??? It can't be!!!!" Zhouzhou was in deep thought, his ears was tightly glued on the door when suddenly the door open.

Jingyu open the door. Mr xu was beside him then zhouzhou fell down on jingyu's chest. Zhou and jingyu look with each other then they look at mr xu at the same time. They look again with each other feeling awkward with their blushing cheeks.  Zhou suddenly pushed jingyu then he run back to his room immediately.

Mr xu and jingyu was startled realizing that zhou was eavesdropping them. They watched zhou as he run with embarrassment.

"Do you see how my son so stubborn and acted"

"I love him the way he is dad i mean mr xu"

"You bastard!!! Follow him now"


Hope you enjoy this bonus chapter. It's my off so i had a little extra time. Please hit the ⭐️ and leave your comments too. Thank you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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