Chapter Thirty Five.

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Josie P.O.V

Me and Matthew had decided to get married after the baby came.

Today was our wedding day. Our little boy was now a year old. When he was born,Leo was the happiest. He was happy he had a little brother to play with and Lorenzo evened the number of boys in the house.

I was nervous but assurance from my mum and bridesmaids helped me. 

"Hey honey its time",my mum said. She held my hand walking me to the aisle. 

There he was Looking handsome. His smile was all I needed to forget all my worries. Today I was going to become Mrs. Bentley, the one person who believed in me, the one person who loves me unconditionally for who I am.

"We are to witness the joining of Matthew Bentley and Josie Pyre into the bond of marriage",the officiator announced. 

He had a few words he put across to us about loving one another. Then the long awaited time for the vows came. We both had written vows.

"Josie,My dreams at night are reflections of joyous times we have spent together and adventures that await.  I have never been more certain of a decision than wanting to spend the rest of my life with you.When I look in your eyes, I am reminded how lucky of a man I am. Sometimes I like to watch you just go about your normal activities and reflect on the joy you bring to my life.I am a better man with you in my life.I am excited about what my life path holds with you. Words can’t describe the amount of joy you bring to my life.I love and cherish you, secure in the knowledge that you are my best friend, my dearest, my kind and adoring wife.Making you smile is the biggest accomplishment of my life.I can’t wait to hold your hand as my wife for the rest of my life.I promise as our everyday life begins we will continue to be best friends, we will still be girl and boyfriend. I will never let our honeymoon period end" , Matthew said.

Listening to him,I just couldn't hold back the tears. Good thing my makeup was water proof.

"Matthew, to be honest, I feel like the most blessed girl in the world. I have not only found my life-long companion, the love of my heart, but my soul mate. Thank you for standing by me. Matthew, you believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself and for that I love you so much.I promise I will look after you and cherish you. I promise to do these things because I have been given you Matthew, the most amazing gift I could ever have. I’m so happy and chuffed to call myself your wife.As your wife, I promise you this,To love and fall more in love with you each day.To cherish every moment we have together.To respect and honour you for the rest of my life.To be open and honest with you.To support you in all your heart’s desires.To make God the centre of our marriage and to be faithful to you for the rest of my days.As we start our married life together today, I make these promises before our families and friends", I said .

Matthew had tears in his eyes. There was an applause from the crowd.

"Do you Matthew Bentley take Josie Pyre to be your lawful wedded wife,to love and to cherish,in sickness and in health,in riches and poverty until death do you apart.?",the officiator asked Matthew.

"I Do ",he replied.

"Do you Josie Pyre take Matthew Bentley to be your lawful wedded husband,to love and to cherish,in sickness and in health,in riches and poverty until death do you apart.?",the officiator turned to me.

"I Do", I replied.

The rings were brought forward.

"I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my wife this day and forevermore." Matthew said as he put the ring on my finger.

"This ring I give to you as a token of my love and devotion to you. I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be your wife. With this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours." I said putting the ring on Matthew's finger.

"With the power invested in me,I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.",the officiator announced.

Matthew didn't even wait to be told twice before he placed a heart melting kiss on my lips.He kissed me softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made me cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world,he made a dramatic dip as he broke the kiss earning screams and shouts from the pleased

Matthew P.O.V

I can't believe Josie is my wife. She is finally mine. She looks so breathtakingly beautiful. 

As we kissed,I didnt want to break the kiss but I had to for purposes of keeping it PG for our family,friends and young ones around. If I didn't stop, my hands were being tempted to move. 

We proceeded to the reception but all I wanted to do was take my wife and leave for our honeymoon which was a surprise.

We had our first dance as a married couple. As we swayed to the music,the whole world around us was suddenly non-existant. It was her and I, alone.Her eyes glistened, and a smile spread across her beautiful face.
Uncontrollable feelings surged through my body, and my fingers tingled in delight. My hand brushed across her cheek. My body was acting on its own, no chains to hold me back from this pure paradise.

I drew her close to my chest, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.


er locks fell over her eyes, like a curtain blocking out the sunlight. I desired to see those eyes.

Her lips went to my ear as she whispered ever so softly,"I love you so much".

She set her head on my shoulder. We continued to dance, too lost in the music to halt. Time passed as our feet moved in the steps.

She brought her head up and opened her eyes. She leaned in and planted her lips on mine.

I wrapped my arms around her neck in return and held her tight as the kiss continued.

Then our kiss was interrupted by four little angels who wanted to dance too. We took turns dancing with the kids,friends and family.

Then it was time to leave. Josie didn't want to leave the children but I assured her they would be fine.

We said our goodbyes and we were off for our honeymoon.


"Our honeymoon lasted only a week because Josie just couldn't bare to be away from the children."Matthew said trying to sound disappointed.

"Not only me",Josie replied playfully smacking Matthew.

"I love you wife",he said kissing her.

I just couldnt contain my happiness. My daughter found her match and I am sure they will work out. Yes marriage isn't a bed of roses ,they will fight and have their moments but with their love,I know they will conquer whatever comes their way. 

I cant wait to have more grandbabies from these two.



Thank you everyone who has read this book till its end. Thank you for the votes and comments. Love you all.

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