7• Forbidden

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Should probably throw a warning,
*Mention of eating disorder*


After having 4 Guinness I was still fine and conscious, but Stella was completely out of it. I called a cab and once she was inside she passed out. I just giggled at her state.

"Rough night?" The driver asked.

"I guess. I don't know," I laughed.

"Your girlfriend is a mess eh?" He chuckled.

"Yep," I said comprehending his words a little later but too exhausted to correct his minor mistake. She then starts blubbering rubbish.

"I loooove Niall!" She said.

"Aww I love you too," I said laughing.

"Who are you?" She asked drunkenly.

"A friend," I said.

"My best friend is Niall. I miss him," She said before sniffling.

"I'm right here Astra," I told her and held her tight.

"Niall?" She asked.

"Yes love?" I asked looking at her.

"I love you," She said before relaxing into me.

"Love you too," I said and let her sleep.

"She's adorable," He said.

"Right?" I laughed.

"Thanks mate," I said and gave him some extra money for his kindness.

"Thank you. Take care you two!" He said and drove off.

I set Stella on my bed and changed her into one of my shirts and my boxers. I kissed her forehead.

"I love you stels," I said and got into the bed. She turned around and curled into me.

"I love you too Ni," Was the last thing she said before sleeping.

I wasn't sure what my feelings were for her but it definitely was no longer just friendship to me. I slept peacefully knowing the girl I care about is safe and sound.


I woke up the next day at the crack of dawn and rushed to the washroom and emptied my guts out. I felt Niall hold my hair up and rub circles on my back soothingly. Once I was done he passed me a wash cloth and a glass of water.

"You Alright now?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm never drinking again," I said.

"That's a lie," He chuckled and I smiled lightly.

"Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up later," He said and led me back to the bed. He gave me two pain meds which I took gratefully.

"Love you Astra," He said.

"Love ya too Ni," I said before crawling under the sheets and sleeping. I woke up again after almost 4 hours.

"Morning. It's 11. Want to eat anything?" He asked.

"Please?" I said.

"I've got some maccy's. I know you're addicted," He chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm enjoying it right now. I need to go on a strict diet from next month. I have a movie to shoot two months from now and I need to lose 15 pounds," I said.

"15 pounds?! Why?!" He asked.

"My character is an anorexic teen girl," I said.

"Right. I could never be an actor with such rules. My god. I admire you," He said.

FAMOUS [Niall Horan] *editing*Where stories live. Discover now