30- We can do this.

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It's been around a week since we found out and Niall's not let me do anything at all. We informed Carmen and Alex and they were very happy for us. We, of course, didn't want to go on tour because how can we do that with a baby on the way? Our managers made our management understand without having to spew out the reason. Columbia was fine with it if we made more music and went on stages occasionally, which we'd gladly do.

In this week my nausea started acting up but I only ever threw up a couple times. I'd like to say I'm lucky in that department. But even the luckiest goes through the worst. I woke up at six in the morning and rushed to the toilet and emptied my stomach. Niall obviously was kind enough to run behind me and tie my hair in a low pony tail and then rubbed my back soothingly.

He fetched me a glass of water and saltine crackers for me to have. "The last time I did this was for a completely different reason." He said. I smiled and nodded. "You tired love?" He asked and I yet again just nodded. He picked me up and placed me on the bed before climbing in and going back to sleep.

I was in some sweats and Niall's shirt waiting for Niall to come home. He'd gone to write music with the band. When I was watching the office I heard the door open and close. "Hey babes." He said and kissed my cheek. "Hey little mouse." He said and placed his hand on my stomach. He immediately frowned and moved his hand up and down. I got concerned and placed my hand over his. "Everything ok hun?" I asked. "Oh...Hmm...? Yeah." He said and moved my shirt aside.

"You've got a bump." He said. "Huh?" I asked and looked at my stomach and to my surprise I did have a bump. "I didn't even notice." I giggled and ran my hand over it. "It gets more and more real every single day." He said. "It does huh?" I smiled and looked down at it.

"When's your next appointment?" He asked. "At 10 weeks." I Said. "So in three weeks?" He asked and I nodded. "I can't wait for it. I love seeing her on screen." He said. "I do too. This little mouse." I Said and poked my stomach.

We decided to do one interview together so that we are doing some promo. "Good morning UK. Today we're here with Niall and Stella Horan!" The host, Maisie, Said. We waved and said our hellos. As usual the questions were about our albums and the inspiration behind it.

"So Stella this is your first interview after almost two weeks. What happened?" She asked. "I fell ill. I was sick the whole week and Niall was trying to help me out." I Said. "And how are feeling now?" She asked. "Much better. Thank you." I said. "That's it for today. See you all tomorrow!" She said as the camera cut recording.

Three weeks later we were back at the office. Since it was summer I had to pick a loose top as I couldn't go around wearing a jumper. "Hi. We have a OB/GYN appointment in like ten minutes." I Said. "Yes ma'am. Name please?" She asked. "Stella Horan." I Said as Niall squeezed my hand.

It's been almost 9 months of us being married but it still fills us with pride and happiness whenever I hear myself or someone say that. "You can wait here. You will be called in shortly." She said and pointed to the waiting area. I was with Niall and we were talking and laughing when some old lady goes,

"You teenagers need to stop getting pregnant." I looked at her confused. "Yeah you." She said pointing to me. "I'm very flattered that you think I'm a teenager. But I'll have you know that I'm 25 and my husband here is 28, so no ma'am. We're very much old enough to have kids. So please mind your own business." I Said harshly and stressed on the word 'husband'. She just rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Mrs. Horan." I heard a nurse call out. I got up and went over to the nurse with Niall hot on my trail. "Stress is not good for the baby love." He said. "I'm not stressed bubba." I Said with a small chuckle and kissed his cheek.

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