22• Normal Couple

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(This is such a filler. Sorry!)


I was nearing my last few concerts in US and Niall still had about a month of touring to go. There were hundreds of articles on Niall and I's relationship because around last month he flew out to one of my shows. Since that'd happened both our managements didn't allow us to see each other hence we stuck to texting, calling and Face Timing.

In a couple of day's time, my tour had come to an end and I returned home. Mary and Quinn moves into the house is bought them. It was the one that was near mine. Quinn was starting school in September and all of us were beyond excited. Once I was back home, I got back to writing songs. Mary came around every once in a while to see how I was. And I was on my phone recording bits and pieces of each song and experimenting with different instruments.

I did a couple more interviews but it was much more relaxed because it'd been a year since I released my album.

Niall has returned from his tour and came over to mine to see me.

"What's up babe?" He asked as he came in.

"Nothing much love. Just making some pizza," I laughed.

"Woo pizza!" He smiled and whooped. I laughed at his reaction.

"Can you believe it's been over a year since I met you?" He asked.

"I really can't. The first time we met was when I broke my ankle, I remember," I giggled.

"Ok hear me out. I found a new knock knock joke." He said.

"Did you now?" I asked.

"Yeah I saw it on the internet and well... I liked it." He said.

"Ok shoot." I said.

"Knock knock." He started.
"Who's there?" I asked.
"Aldo," He said.
"Aldo who?" I asked.
"Aldo (I'll do) Anything for you," He said, putting a smile on my face.

"You're so cute," I giggled and kissed his nose.

"I love you," He said.

"And I love you," I said as we kissed.

"I've got one." I Said. "Go on." He said.

"Knock knock," I started.
"Who's there?" He asked.
"Honeydew," I smiled.
"Honeydew Who?" He asked.
"Honeydew (honey do) you know how much I love you?" I said making him giggle and kiss me.

"You want to go out?" He asked.

"Where?" I questioned.

"Anywhere," He said.

"Can we go McD's?" I asked him hopefully. He laughed and messed my hair.

"Course," He said.

We got into my car and drove to the McD's drive thru and ordered our foods. We then went to an empty parking lot and ate our food.

"Our one year anniversary is coming up. It's wild innit?" He said.

"Truly. I can't believe we were able to do this for a whole year," I said.

"It's you and me, against the world baby," He said and I laughed.

"It always feels like it," I said with a dampened tone.

"One day Astra. One day we'll just be a normal couple," He said.

"Let's hope aye?" I smiled sadly.

After our little McD's break, Niall stopped at the grocery store to grab some produce for his and my house and then Niall returned home while I was at mine.

FAMOUS [Niall Horan] *editing*Where stories live. Discover now