36- Best anniversary ever.

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Niall and I switched between going to the studio to record our new albums. The babies were 9 months old and started babbling and crawling around. As I had expected Elijah eyes turned more green than blue. Quinn was well settled in our home.

"Hey there Carr." I waved as I entered the studio. "Hi Stels. Oh by the way, is it ok if you and Niall could attend an interview tomorrow?" She asked. "Uh I think we can. I'll just need someone to babysit the kids." I answered. "Wonderful. I'll let them know then?" She asked.

"Give me a minute Carr." I Said and called Niall. "Hey. Everything alright?" He asked as he picked up. I giggled and answered. "Everything's fine darling. Carr asked if we could attend an interview tomorrow. Can you ask the boys to look after the kids?" I asked. "I'll see. But I'm down for an interview. It's been a while aye?" He asked. "It has." I laughed. "Bye Baby. I'll see you at home, my love. I love you Bear." I Said. "I'll be waiting for you. I love you Astra." He said and ended the call. "I'll let you know before I leave the studio hmm Carr?" I Said. "Of course stels." She smiled.

After four hours of recording I returned home. Niall said Harry and Liam are both ok for babysitting the kids so I let carmen know that we'd be attending the interview.

The next day we left our home after drowning our babies in kisses and making sure they're all ok before driving to the studio where this is all filmed.

"Good morning UK! Today we've got with us the cutest couple ever, Niall and Stella Horan!" She introduced and we walked on stage. I as usual waved to the audience making them cheer. We took our places and greeted the interviewer. "Hi Mindy." I Said. "Hello you two. So how are you?" She asked. "Wonderful. As usual." Niall answered. We answered the usual questions.

"That's great to hear. So you have kids aye?" She asked. "Three. Yes." I Said. She looked surprised when I said three. "Are you expecting again?" She asked and we laughed. "No... Umm well my best friend, Mary, she unexpectedly passed away and we're her daughter's legal guardians so we adopted her." I explained briefly. "Oh... how's she adjusting?" She asked. "Just fine. Already being the most perfect big sister to her brother and sister." Niall laughed.

"So no more tours from you guys huh?" She asked. "Performances, yes. Tours, not as usual. I'd like to actually focus on raising our children." I answered. "And acting?" She asked. "Not until my kids are old enough. I don't want to be too busy for our children. Basically I'm taking a break from everything." I Said. "That's very understandable. But on the other hand both your albums are an absolute banger." She said. "Thank you." We both thanked her.

We returned home at around 7 to find Quinn sleeping on the couch with Elijah. And Harry was with Elysia just cooing and making baby noises with her. "Oh really?" Harry asked and she babbled. He gasped and continued. "Girl you don't say! No way!" He talked to her as if they both were two teenage girls gossiping. "Aw that sounds bad." He frowned. Elysia was immediate to put her hands on his face trying to make him smile and burst out giggling when he did.

"Seems like someone's having fun." I Said and entered the room. "You missed mumma baby?" I asked her and she started jumping in Harry's lap and putting her hand out for me to pick her up.

I laughed and grabbed her. I rubbed my nose with her and kissed her cheek. "Hi baby girl." I Said and she put her chubby hands on my cheek and smacked her lips on mine. "Ooh baby." I laughed.

"Excuse me. Can I have my daughter please?" Niall asked and took her from me. "Heyyyyy girl. How are you?" He asked her and she squealed. "I'm taking it, you're well? Wonderful. Oh how am I? I'm great. Thanks for asking little one." He talked to her.

Quinn walked into the room rubbing her eyes. "Hey darling. Slept well?" I asked as I got down. "I did." She said and hugged me. I picked her up and stood next to Niall. "Hey Ellie!" She said excitedly. Elysia giggled and Quinn kissed her forehead.

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