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A woman with fiery red hair was racing down the steps of her house, her baby girl tuck in a blanket in her arms. She found her husband putting on his cloak and holding up hers.

"Penny, you must leave," the man said.

"I thought we talked about this,"  the woman replied. She grabbed a basket and carefully tucked her baby inside.

"You are not coming with me, you need to get to safety. You need to go to your brother," the man sighed.

"If you think that I will let you go by yourself to Lily and James, you don't know me at all."
Penelope told her husband as she grabbed her wand from the counter and grabbing her cloak from her husband's hands.

"Penny, please just go to Arthur and Molly. Take Ria, please."

Penelope didn't reply, she grabbed another sheet from the couch and draped it over the basket containing her one year girl. Her husband sighed and grabbed his wand, slipped it in his pocket.


"No! You are not going alone. We'll take Ria to Arthur then we'll both go to Lily and James. That's final!"

Penelope grabbed the basket and her wand in her pocket. She held out her hand to her husband.

"I can't change your mind, can I?"

"Not unless you want to sit here for years and year to come, be my guest."

The man chuckled. "All right." He grabbed his wife's hand and they walked out the back door. They both clambered in his flying motorcycle with him driving. Penelope sat in the seat with basket is her lap. As they flew, Penelope stared at her daughter who was peacefully sleeping. She put her hands behind her neck and took off her necklace which a gold key that hung from a gold chain. She wrapped on the handle of the basket so the key hung on its chain.

Finally, They arrived at the Burrow where Penelope's brother lived with his wife and children. The man climbed on the bike and grabbed the basket off his wife's lap. Penelope climbed out and they walked to the entrance.
The man knocked on the door, the seconds later, the door was opened by a plump woman with red hair.


"Molly, it's us," Penelope replied.

"Penny, dear, come, come inside it must be cold."

The woman opened the door to let them in.
They were welcomed by a warm toasty room. There was man on the couch drink coffee. His glasses perched on his nose and he too had red hair. He looked up.

"Penny! What are you doing here?"

"We fear that You-Know-Who will turn up at Lily and James' house," Penelope replied.

The man paled.

"We came to leave Ria here tonight. I suggested that Penny stays here too but she's too stubborn, maybe you can convinced her."

"I already made up my mind. You can't change my mind Arthur."

"All right..." Arthur sighed.

Suddenly the woman came into the living room.

"Where is she?"

Penelope carefully set the basket on the floor. She took her sheet and carefully took off to reveal a sleeping baby. Her arms were tuck to her sides by her blanket and her red hair was covered by a knitted beanie.

"She's precious..." Molly said. "May I?"

Penelope nodded. Molly carefully took the girl out of the basket into her arms.

"She's beautiful..."

Molly gently swayed the baby girl in her arms. Penelope smiled as the baby girl's lips turned into a smile.

"We must be going," her husbands said.
He brushed the baby's hair and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Penelope followed.

"Please watch over her if we don't come back," Penelope said.

Molly nodded and Arthur wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Be careful Penny."

"We will."

That was that last time they ever saw Penelope.

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