The Beginning

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"Ria! Wake up! Ria, come on we're going to be late!"

Alexandria woke up to the sight a head of flaming red hair. Her eyes adjusted to the light as the head came into view. It was Ginny, her younger cousin. She was bouncing on and down her bed.

"Hurry up, Ria! We need to King's Cross Station! Mum's going to be upset."

Alexandria flew up. "What?! Today..."

She trailed at the sight of Ginny's face. She was still bouncing up and down.

"Wait, is Ron's up?"

Ginny shook her head, Alexandria rolled her eyes and climbed out of bed. Her white sleeping gown hung a little past her shins. She opened the door her and Ginny's shared room and walked up the stairs. She reached a door at the top of the room with a sign. RONALD'S ROOM. Alexandria knocked on the door but she only hear snoring. She pushed open the door and saw her older cousin laying on his bed, snoring. She came closer to his bed and sat down.

"Ron? Ron, it's time to wake up."

Her cousin just grunted and kept sleeping.

"Please don't make me do it..."

No response. Alexandria sighed.

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" Alexandria shouted.

Ron woke up with a start and shot up in his bed. He looked the around and saw Alexandria standing with her arms crossed.

"What the bloody hell was that for, Ria?!"

"You weren't waking up. Hurry up and change we should be leaving soon."

Ron rolled out of bed as Alexandria headed for the door. She exited his room and went to hers and saw Ginny was there.

"Hurry Ria!" She said as Alexandria came into the room.

"All right, calm down Ginny."

Ginny left the room as Alexandria started changing. She changed into a wool jumper that her Aunt Molly knitted for her and jeans. She grabbed her trunk and her wand (that was passed to her from oldest cousin Bill, which was still in pretty good shape). She opened the door and dragged her trunk down the flight of stairs and into the living room. Aunt Molly was in the kitchen preparing sandwiches. She spotted Ron sitting on the couch with his pet rat, Scabbers on his lap.

"You look dreadful," She said as she sat down next to him.

"Yea, when your cousin wakes you up by shouting your name you can look worse than 'dreadful'"

"Well, you left me no choice."

"All right, Fred! George! Get down here. Well we're off to King's Cross Station!"

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